Optifast day six

Apr 25, 2011

OMG, I can't face another one of these chocolate/raspberry Optifast shakes.  23 down, 61 to go. I added almond extract this morning to the chocolate to try something different but there is a powerful taste that comes through, no matter what I put in it. It's gross. Oh well; I'll force one more down tonight and pray that I'm over it by tomorrow. I just feel like if I try to have another one, I might vomit.

I'm craving food really bad today. I suppose I'm bringing it on myself. My friend was down from Cambridge and wanted to take her kids to the Byward Market for Beaver Tails so we did that and it. It was nearly five hours by the time I got my second shake in and I was hungry. I fed my boy a BLT on whole wheat from Timmies for lunch and then for dinner got him and my border stinkin' McDonalds again. Then when I finally got home, my mother had dropped off some home-made crusty rolls for my son.  I WANT SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmmm...can you say food obsessed!?!?!!!

The other thing going on is that they told us that the Optifast would likely constipate us. I was already constipated from the three Euro-fer iron pills I need to take every night so I was taking 1-2 stool softners/day. Well, I'm still taking the iron but I stopped taking the softeners days ago and I still have diahrrea. Trying to make sure I take enough water make up for it.

Hanging on for today and counting the 16 days until surgery. Wishing everyone a great day.

