I (nearly) had an “Office Space” moment

Jul 17, 2014

I work in a bank and I had a moment with a client today. I am on day 11 of a 30 day liquid diet and had a client come to my wicket with a bag of burgers from McDonalds! I swear, I could tell it was a Quarter Pounder with cheese just from sniffing it! He had fries and a coke with him and I was closer to hitting him with a stapler and stealing his burgers than I should have been.

It’s also a good thing I’m pretty open about this surgery. I told two people at work I was doing this and this week I have had three different coworkers (who I did not tell this to, nor do I normally chat with) grill me about my surgery. Good thing I don’t gossip about my coworkers!

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