Liquid Diet - Day 1

Oct 03, 2011

Liquid diets were something I never tried.  I never got on the Optifast wagon.  I really never did a drastic diet.  I did things like Weight Watchers, counted calories and probably most extreme (for me) was Adkins. 

My surgeon requires all of his patients to do a liquid diet for two weeks ahead of surgery.  I'm on day one and I'm not liking it.  Were you surprised?  No, I imagine you weren't.  I had switched to eating "healthier" and actually cutting back on salt like crazy when my blood pressure starting going up and I did well in the fact that I did loose 8lbs before my official weigh-in for the nutritionist.  BUT I got used to having an evening snack of either low salt crackers with a spoonful of sour cream or a 1/2 of peanut butter sandwich.  I'm having issues with that RIGHT now. 

I wish I could do the "slim fast" way and have shakes for breakfast and lunch...easy for me.  Then a sensible dinner.  I love dinner time.  I love cooking and making and eating food.  Of course that sensible dinner might turn into a sorta-sensible dinner and then another night it's a not-so-sensible dinner with promise of a sensible dinner tomorrow.  That is, of course how I got here time and time again.

Anyhow I'm mostly venting at the moment to get my mind off of the food, my evening snack.

And now it's officially 1 day closer to the surgery...Oct 17th. 

Keeping my eye on the prize!!

