One week till surgery & What I've learned on the liquid diet...

Oct 10, 2011

Whooohoooo!  One week!  Hoping this week at work doesn't go too slow. :) 

What I've learned on MY liquid diet:

1.  Getting enough protein can be tricky when you are only doing protein shakes and this is when I can drink them at a decent rate.  I'm learning about different shakes, powders and the content of protein in each so that I can try to attain the protein intake needed for post surgery.

2.  Getting enough water is very different when you are drinking your meals.  I used to get my quantities of water around my meal by drinking/eating through Breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I am now learning how to drink throughout my day and work towards getting a good habit that will work through post-surgery. 

3.  I can get busy and forget to drink/eat.  I also can let myself go too long between both and feel really yucky.

4.  I truly am obsessed about food and am learning how to "cope" with that and trying to learn how to redirect those thoughts.

I'm beginning to think our liquid diet given by my surgeon is also a learning tool.  Not just to shrink the liver but a way to learn more about keeping yourself hydrated, learning how to get in "good" proteins and learning about yourself and your food triggers.  This is what it has been for me.

Ready for it to be Oct 17th.  :)

