-8 days

Feb 19, 2013


Liquids, day three.


Despite the best attempts of my cold virus to smother me in my sleep, I managed to stay in bed till noon and get some decent sleep. Feeling a skosh more human.


Been up for a little bit now and I've had my first protein shake, my first vitamins, and a mug of broth. Need to get that water in. Maybe after a shower.


Boy, I sure wish I wasn't sick.


My Unjury sampler arrived, hooray. Trying out the “strawberry sorbet” flavor in plain water. It's okay; has a bit of a smell. Might try it in almond milk some time, see if it can remind me of that nasty-yet-delicious Nestle strawberry milk. Wish I'd left the water in the freezer for longer to chill. I suspect really cold water would be better for this one. Live and learn. I have a second packet (they send two of each—chocolate splendor, vanilla, unflavored, strawberry sorbet, “chicken soup”) so I can always try colder later.


It's 4:13 now and I have to say I haven't dealt with any weird hunger pangs or serious food cravings. I was supposed to run some errands but after managing to doze till noon I figured one more day lurking around the house and nursing my cold would probably be for the best. Tomorrow, though. We'll see how I do out and about.


Hey, at 5:48 I am hungry. And haunted by the idea that I'm somehow screwing up my pre-op diet, that I'm Doing It Wrong and will Ruin Everything. Pretty sure I'm actually not, but I'd better muster the energy to review the documents from the Center for Weight Loss Surgery and either set myself straight or regain some peace of mind.


9:01 and I've been trying to get to sleep for a while. Impossible because I have to get up to pee every three minutes, or so it seems. I'm not sure how I'll ever get eight hours of sleep again if I'm expected to drink 80 to 100 ounces of water a day. All I do is pee. Yikes.  


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2012
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2009, at a friend's wedding. Probably weighed ~250 at this point. (I miss that dress.)
Very awkward selfie! I should probably ask for assistance next time, but I'm impatient.

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