
Feb 04, 2011

Ok, so I got on the scale this morning and it read 221.5lbs. I'm almost out of the 220's.  So that brings my weight loss to 20.5lbs in one month.  I hope that continues.  I haven't made all the right choices, but I'm doing better with my protein and I'm still staying on top of my vitamins.  I have a lot of things going on around me and inside of me.  I'm ready for a life overhaul in the worst way, but I don't quite know how/where to begin.  I'm getting frustrated with mediocrity and complacency.  I want more. I want to have more money. I want to lose more weight. I want to be more healthy. I want to be more loving to the special people in my life.  I want to be more fulfilled. I want to be more positive.  I want to be more concrete in my decision making.  I want more. 


About Me
indianapolis, IN
Mar 09, 2006
Member Since

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