Umm,, not so great

Apr 06, 2011

Ok, there are a few things that have happened since I opened my eyes this morning that have more than pissed me off.  I must say, that today has been a trying day and Im stressed; therefore, I eat.  I haven't eaten volumes of food, but I have grazed on not the right things today. Vitamins were great as usual, but I craved salty and crunchy today, so I ate chips.  Ive eaten mostly fruit today and I had a bit of a baked potato.  I also ate one of those thin bagels with cream cheese.  I have not had a protein shake today because, frankly, I didnt feel like gagging.  I wont work out today because Im sore as hell from yesterdays beating.  It was great, I will go back, but today, its just not happening.  I havent lost weight in about 2wks.  I was doing so well and onderland is so close, but I have to ask myself, am I self sabotaging.  It's something about getting so close to the 100s and then all hell breaks loose.  This is ridiculous. I risked my life to get this surgery 2x and I feel like it's the end already.  I usually dont have these types of feelings, but today is an abnormal day.  What to do...what to do.  I asked earlier in my recovery, how do I turn this thing around, and now, I'm back to square one.  Damn!!


About Me
indianapolis, IN
Mar 09, 2006
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