SooOoo SICK and TIRED of being SICK and TIRED!!!

Mar 17, 2010

Today has been one of those days!!!  YUCK!!!  I was doing great all day until I ate the same dang thing I eat everyday for lunch!  I had 1/4 cup of beans!!!  Well they didn't sit right on my new tummy, and made me completely sick!  I tried to wait it out, but when I started to throw up in my trash can at work, I headed home!  I haven't been able to keep anything down AGAIN, like I was 2 weeks ago.  Not even water.  YUCKY!!!  So I just got off the phone with my dr's after hours line, and they think I have ANOTHER stricture.  I don't think my body can take much more of this!!!  They are going to call me in the A.M. and schedule another EDG tomorrow to go back in with a balloon and open the stricture back up!  :-(  Its not a painful process, just time consuming, and draining me of energy!   But at least I had already scheduled 2 vacation days for thursday and friday so I don't have to miss any more work! 

UGH...   I hate what my body is going through, and the thought that I honestly did this to myself by choosing to have this surgery!!!

EEEKKKKK....  Well now I got all that off my chest, and I just pray that things get better from here!!! 

