WLS is a Tool...Not the Solution...Its all Up to YOU!

Jan 04, 2013

If you think Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) is going to make you lose weight, I think you are looking at this the wrong way. Lets say all of your life you have had a small hammer and you have been using it to drive nails and it works but i takes you a very long time and some times you bend the nail. Now you have the money and opportunity to buy a new hammer that lets you drive the nails in half the time and they are always straight. Now lets say you buy the hammer but you use the wrong end of the hammer and the nails don't get driven quite as well. Is it the hammer's fault or yours?

WLS is not a way to lose weight. It is a tool. If you get it and continue to eat the foods that caused you to get to the weight you are at now then you are using your hammer incorrectly. If you follow the plan then you will succeed. Some people lose slower than others. If you have had a slow metabolism all of your life then you will still have a slow metabolism until you speed it up.

You have to use the tool to change your lifestyle. It makes it easy but at the end of the day it is ALL UP TO YOU, not your doctor, not your WLS, you. If you don't lose weight it is something you are doing/not doing.


About Me
Navarre, FL
Surgery Date
May 21, 2003
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