More bad knee news.......

Nov 23, 2009

So the chiro released me to walk/run gently and I couldn't run. Slight pain left knee, stopped, stretched, walked tried to run, slight stabs, stopped altogether.  Walked total 2 miles.  Both knees sore.  Sigh.  Sad.  Hoped for better, didn't happen. 

So now I have to walk a 5 mile race which will then take me, at a minimum, 80 min which is deeply depressing since I was hoping to run it in less than an hour.  I am so depressed...........and sad.  My dad is mentally ill, he is schizophrenic, has been for years, used to be more schizoaffective but he got worse.........he isn't medicated but is finally receiving SSDI after being homeless but anyways he used to be a triathlete and here I am so proud of racing and he's so screwed up it's like I can't share it with him because he's dead.  And I know this is a big frickin' pity party but it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to.

And did I mention I hurt?  I see the chiro tomorrow.  I am so mother freaking bummed about this, I am not registering for that bloody half marathon in April, what's the point if I can't even run a mile?   I want to believe him that they will get better, but when, but how???

