Didi BypassBuddies.com

Minor Setbacks

Dec 07, 2009

I've been working towards getting my surgery since the end of July. They've since taken pictures of parts of me that I didn't know I had. They've taken so much blood I fear I may be anemic until my 90's. I've added so many doctor's offices to my phonebook that they outnumber friends and family. The one thing I haven't done is lose that 5% of body weight.

Oh! What's a fat chick to do?

Well, I can tell you what I HAVE done and honestly, I think that speaks volumes. I have been off the sugar since July except when I am in a hurry and forget to read the labels as I fly down the aisles. I have reduced my diet soda intake from two bottles a day to one per week. My chinese buffet days are much less frequent and when I do partake it is mostly protein. I've severly cut back on the amount of carbs I injest thanks to some yummy recipes I've found. I've been a little more active but haven't really been able to 'workout'.

So, uh, why ain't ya lost the weight yet?

I'm glad you asked because actually I have lost weight and gained as well. Yeah, its confusing but lets talk numbers for a minute. When I started this journey I had 207 lbs of Fat Mass which made me a candidate for more than one kind of bypass. I have since lost 53 lbs of that if those fancy Tanita scales are accurate. In addition to losing the fat I've managed to gain muscle back. In the four months I've been doing this, I have gained a total of 58 lbs of Fat Free Mass.

Pretty cool, I think!

We all know that fat is bad and muscle is good but to what extent? Well, muscle will burn up calories at a faster rate than fat which will help me lose weight at a faster rate. The muscle also KEEPS burning calories after the workout is over! The fat also sucks up and stores hormones that the muscle doesn't do. Some of the hormones is what slows our weight loss as PCOS patients and physicians will attest.

So, yeah I've gained 5 lbs instead of losing the 19 lbs but I'm happy. I've made changes that are benificial to me now and will help me once I actually get the surgery. I'm well on my way to surgery despite minor setbacks. 


About Me
Monticello, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 18, 2009
Member Since

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