Its hitting me now...

Jul 05, 2011

I'm actually going to get to my goal. Before surgery I would say it and 90% believe it. There was always that nagging 10% of doubt. But now I feel like I can do this. I can get to my goal and not only that I can maintain my weightloss. Its strange because before I would just want to lose the weight now I can see myself getting there and maintaining.

I'm very proud of myself and my weight loss. I've been losing this weight while fighting my bad food habits. I'm learning how to deal with them and cope in a different way. I'm using this time to deal and learn so I can keep this weight off for life. I'm not going to lie, I have some good days and I have some bad days BUT I keep on. I dust myself off and learn from my slip ups.

I'm down 58 pounds, I'm so close to 60. Its just crazy how this weight has been coming off. I notice I'm losing about 12 pounds a month. I'll take it. All those 12 pounds add up. I'm fitting into 18's and some 16's which is AWESOME. I have tons of energy and I feel really good about myself.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Sleeve. Its the best decision I've EVER made in my whole life. Seriously.

Now I'm eating the way I always wanted too. I'm not a machine gobbling away mindlessly any more. I take my time, make a pretty plate of food and enjoy it. Its even better now that I can eat salads. Oh yeah.

Everyone Take Care


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 22, 2010
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