I'm no longer "Obese"!

Dec 18, 2009

It's been almost 5 months since my RNY procedure, and my BMI is now under 30 - which means I am no longer classified as "obese" - yay!  Now I'm just "Overweight".  Love it! 

Had my 5 month check-up at my surgeons office yesterday, and all of the nurses were so nice - giving me compliments on how good I looked, and how wonderful I have been doing.  It was a really good feeling to hear those things from my surgeon's office - I knew I was doing well, but guess I needed to hear it from them. 

So, I've lost a total of 86 lbs at this point; not too shabby.  My original goal weight was to be 160 lbs, which is only 18 lbs away now.  I am considering lowering my goal weight to maybe 145?  I think I want to have a little "wiggle room" in case at some point down the line I rebound a little, which I've read happens commonly - even among those who follow their diets correctly.  I hope it won't happen to me - but I want to take advantage of this fast losing stage in the first year as much as I can.  My weight loss has been slowing down a bit - noticed that I've lost an average of 2 lbs per week for the past couple of weeks - where prior to that, I was losing more like 3 1/2 - 4 lbs per week.  Maybe it's just a little stall.  Hopefully it will pick back up - but I've been told that it may not, since I'm getting smaller, the weight will come off slower.  As long as the scale is moving in the right direction, I'll be happy! 

One issue that I am NOT happy about is that I'm losing a lot of hair.  It comes out by the handful in the shower, and when brushing it.  I'm constantly picking hair off of my clothes, and from around the house.  Cooking is becoming hazardous - as my step-daughter found a piece of my hair in her food the other day.  She was grossed out.  I even had it tied back in a pony tail.  So, I've started taking 5mg of Biotin, and have added a B Complex vitamin to the B1 & Multi I was already taking.  That should help with the regrowth -- but I need it to stop falling out before I go bald!  I already had some thinning in the front and top due to PCOS issues - now if I don't part it in just the right spot -- I can see a lot of my scalp in the front.  I feel like I'm doing a comb-over or something. 

Hopefully the holidays won't be too hard food-wise.  We are having a couple of family get togethers - one I'm cooking for, and another I'll bring a dish to pass so I'm sure there will be something I can eat.  Then the day after Christmas, we will be traveling to visit my family in Phoenix.  I come from a family of gourmet home cooks - so I may have to make some separate meals for myself.  I can't expect them to tailor the menus just to accommodate me.  It'll work out though, I'm sure.  My Phoenix family has not seen me in over a year, so they will be surprised at how much I've shrunk! 


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Rockford, IL
Surgery Date
Jul 01, 2009
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