I went to my first support group last night and some meandering

Dec 16, 2009

I went to my first support group meeting last night.  There were just three of us due to the fact that Christmas is right around the corner. Everyone is so busy this time of year.  I have my appointments for the nutritionist and psychologist on the 21st and 28th..  I am hoping that after Dr. Davis' office gets that information I can get scheduled.  I want this summer to be the best summer ever!I want to be able to go on vacation and not get so tired.  I am so excited.  I keep reading about what to expect and it's so hard when you think about the unknown.  What will my emotions be like?  What will I look like?  How will my relationships change? Will insurance cover reconstructive surgery for all of the extra skin?  I can think of a ton of other questions just like these.  I think we have all had those thoughts going through our heads pre op and maybe even post op.  I hate the waiting.  We are such a microwave society it is hard not to get in a hurry. I ordered dr garth's book and it still hasn't shipped from Amazon, not sure what the deal is.  I am reading the book weightloss surgery for dummies and it is a good book.  I would recommend it.  I got mine from half price books.  I'm gonna sign off now will write more later.

