It's been forever it seems......

Apr 24, 2010 I haven't updated in a while:)  Well as you know I had my VSG on March 31st 2010 with Dr. Garth Davis at Memorial Hermann in Houston, TX.  I felt fine immediately after surgery until the next day.  I went down to the radiology area and the stupid radiologist made me gulp the liquid for the leak test.  After about 30 minutes I was dry heaving and felt terrible.  I couldn't drink without feeling nausea.  I also think that the blood thinner shots they were giving me in my belly were making me sick too because right after they discontinued them I started to feel much much better! 

  I got to go home the Saturday before Easter Sunday.  So I had an extended stay in the hospital.  My dr didn't want to send me home until he knew I could keep liquid down.  I finally did.  by the way he said he only had one other patient that was ever nauseated like I was and vomiting. 

    I must say I wasn't at all nervous for the surgery.  I was more nervous about the bowel prep than surgery.  I was joking with everyone that came to talk to me pre surgery.  I remember being wheeled down the hall and getting moved to the operating table and that is about it.  Then I woke up in the recovery room and this lady across from me was moaning and whining and I wanted to smack her.  I told my nurse" Is that really necessary?"  She said I was the best patient she ever had. That was nice to hear:)  They finally got me a room and then my family came to the room to see me.  I was in and out due to the morphine. 

 I recovered for the rest of the first week at my aunt and uncle's house in houston, because my dr wanted me to stay there for the first week just in case there were any complications.  There weren' t thankfully!  I went to my 1 week post op and got moved from full liquids to pureed food.  I at a lot of baby food that week and soup.  After 1 week of that I progressed to soft foods and I get to progress to regular food in a couple of days.  

   Meanwhile,  I had my birthday and I am 31 or thirty-wonderful as my cousin says:)  Instead of eating out to celebrate we went bowling!  I think it will be a new tradition doing an activity instead of eating for the bdays:)  We need to teach our kids good habits!  I have lost 24 lbs as of last time I weighed, but hopefully I am down more.  I haven't weighed because I am on my period(sorry guys for TMI).  I am really hoping to be down under the 200 by the end of next month at least and I would really like to be in a 16 regular by then. 
    My main goal right now is to learn how to cook healthy delicious items for me and my family!  I think my mom has been inspired and she has lost I think 11 pounds and we are trying to walk everyday.  We have had some rain so it hasn't been as consistant as we would like.  I hope everyone is doing well and that you are making healthy choices!  If you know of any great recipe sites please let me know.  Her is one I was told about:  She has some really neat stuff and links to other helpful items on there as well.   until next time. Don't miss my weekly updates on Youtube. Username Olive4beauty

