Onederland Baby!!!

Jun 23, 2010

On Sunday I was 199.5 and today I am 196.5!! Thank you Jesus!  I am so excited that I am under 200 and I will never go back there(the 200's) again!!!  I just wanted to let all of my oh friends know that I am getting there!  I am shrinking in size, but I am growing in the spiritual and mental aspect of this journey. I am learning the path that I need to take day by day/  I am so excited about what is to come in my life!  I am so thankful that I had this surgery!!  Please let me know if you have any questions about vsg.~LaDonna


It's been a while here's an update!

May 24, 2010

Today is Monday, May , 24th 2010.  When I weighed in this morning I was 207.5 yea only 8lbs away from Onederland!  I am going to start a new exercise program called the female body breakthrough by rachel cosgrove.  I was a competitive cheerleader and the fit and funny guy Austin Davis reccommended this for me.  He said my muscle has memory and that I would be able to get back into the shape I was in formally.  I am in a size 16 and some 18s depending on the clothes:D  I It is supper exciting!! I am looking forward to the scale continuing to drop and the sizes too!  My first goal is to be under 200. Next, is to weigh less than my husband I think he is weighing 172 or 4.  Then my 100 lbs gone goal 141.  I will reassess then. I will see if I am comfy there or if I need to lose more.  I am striving to get all areas of my life under control.  I am working to keep my house in order and stick to what I say I am going to do in regards to workouts etc.  I hope to get into a real routine. It is hard to eat every two hours and taking my vitamins.  I guess in keeping to my goals I shoul get off of the computer and finish the laundry and vacuum.  I hope this let's you know where I am as far as my journey with my vsg!!!Til next time!~LaDonna

It's been forever it seems......

Apr 24, 2010 I haven't updated in a while:)  Well as you know I had my VSG on March 31st 2010 with Dr. Garth Davis at Memorial Hermann in Houston, TX.  I felt fine immediately after surgery until the next day.  I went down to the radiology area and the stupid radiologist made me gulp the liquid for the leak test.  After about 30 minutes I was dry heaving and felt terrible.  I couldn't drink without feeling nausea.  I also think that the blood thinner shots they were giving me in my belly were making me sick too because right after they discontinued them I started to feel much much better! 

  I got to go home the Saturday before Easter Sunday.  So I had an extended stay in the hospital.  My dr didn't want to send me home until he knew I could keep liquid down.  I finally did.  by the way he said he only had one other patient that was ever nauseated like I was and vomiting. 

    I must say I wasn't at all nervous for the surgery.  I was more nervous about the bowel prep than surgery.  I was joking with everyone that came to talk to me pre surgery.  I remember being wheeled down the hall and getting moved to the operating table and that is about it.  Then I woke up in the recovery room and this lady across from me was moaning and whining and I wanted to smack her.  I told my nurse" Is that really necessary?"  She said I was the best patient she ever had. That was nice to hear:)  They finally got me a room and then my family came to the room to see me.  I was in and out due to the morphine. 

 I recovered for the rest of the first week at my aunt and uncle's house in houston, because my dr wanted me to stay there for the first week just in case there were any complications.  There weren' t thankfully!  I went to my 1 week post op and got moved from full liquids to pureed food.  I at a lot of baby food that week and soup.  After 1 week of that I progressed to soft foods and I get to progress to regular food in a couple of days.  

   Meanwhile,  I had my birthday and I am 31 or thirty-wonderful as my cousin says:)  Instead of eating out to celebrate we went bowling!  I think it will be a new tradition doing an activity instead of eating for the bdays:)  We need to teach our kids good habits!  I have lost 24 lbs as of last time I weighed, but hopefully I am down more.  I haven't weighed because I am on my period(sorry guys for TMI).  I am really hoping to be down under the 200 by the end of next month at least and I would really like to be in a 16 regular by then. 
    My main goal right now is to learn how to cook healthy delicious items for me and my family!  I think my mom has been inspired and she has lost I think 11 pounds and we are trying to walk everyday.  We have had some rain so it hasn't been as consistant as we would like.  I hope everyone is doing well and that you are making healthy choices!  If you know of any great recipe sites please let me know.  Her is one I was told about:  She has some really neat stuff and links to other helpful items on there as well.   until next time. Don't miss my weekly updates on Youtube. Username Olive4beauty


Feb 27, 2010

I am scheduled for March 31st.  I will be well for the new date!!!  Thanks everyone for all of your support!

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Dang this sinus infection!!!!!!I have to Reschedule!

Feb 24, 2010

I emailed Dr. Garth this morning because my husband was really concerned about me giong into surgery with any kind of respritory issues.  I have been coughing like crazy(so much that my husband couldn't sleep in the same bed).  He said that Danny was right to be concerned that I should reschedule because I need to be well come surgery day.  From the begining I have prayed that God would guide the process and that everything would be in his perfect timing.  i don't know if it is so my mom can be here or what, but I know it is in my best interest.  I also don't know how long my preop testing is good for..... Hope I don't have to do all of that again!  I am thinking that based on my family's schedule it will be the end of March.  I will update you all when I know more.  Look for a Youtube video later today too!  I need to update everyone:)  Thanks for all the support!
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Still not feeling at my best.......

Feb 20, 2010

I was diagnosed with a sinus infection on the 15th and am still feeling under the weather, the first antibiotic didn't work.  I think that the new one is working, but I just wish it would hurry up.  I have to start my preop liquid diet on Wednesday.  I am a little aprehensive, but My good friend, Shay told me to use that time to fast and pray.  What a fantastic idea.  I mean the best way to get through the all liquid diet is to depend on the lord!  I am starting my vitamin supplements today.  I hope they don't taste too terrible.  I must say I am a little concerned about having a respritory issue ths close to surgery.  I asked my doctor and he said it would be fine.  I know he is very cautious so I am not letting it frealk me out.  I want to post some new videos, but I am looking pretty scary:)  Just wanted to update everyone.


Off to Houston first thing in the morning for Pre Op!

Feb 15, 2010

  Well today started off not as good as I would have liked.  I woke up this morning feeling horrible!  I have a sinus infection:(I went to the doctor and he gave me an antibiotic I hope it and the mucinex will kick in soon! I don't know how the human body can produce soooo much snot hahaha.  When I was at the pharmacy I picked up some hibiclens(surgical soap). I wasn't sure if they would give me any so I wanted to get it just incase. 
  I also had a little story to tell everyone.
One of my friends called me and asked me to go out to this pub that we all go to occationally they always have a cover band and it proves to be a fun night.  Let me preface this with the fact that I rarely drink.  As you all know I am having my surgery March 3rd so, my friends were like lets go have one last GNO before your surgery.  I had already told them that I wasn't going to drink for a year after surgery because that is the reccomendation.  I had waaaaay tooo much to drink. When I drink I usually drink Long islands because it doesn't take many to do the trick.  I had 5 1/2.  Bad Idea...I felt like my stomach was sour and just uneasy.  I told my husband I never want to do that again!  I don't ever throw up, but I was wishing I could that night.  Basically what I am saying is DON'T make my mistake it's not worth it.  I can have just as much fun without getting scnockered:)



Feb 08, 2010

I have a date!!! I am having my surgery at Memorial Hermann hospital in Houston on March 3,2010I am so excited!!!! It's really here!! Thank you JESUS!  I can't wait to be on the losing side:)  Please leave me comments below telling me the things that you purchased pre op that you actually used.  I need to prepare.  Also, as a bonus because I have a low BMI I only have to do one week of the preop liquid diet! Yea!  Thanks in advance for all of the prayers and support!

Til next time,


I AM DOING A HAPPY DANCE!!!APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 04, 2010

I am so excited!!! I called my insurance company today to check  on my case and the representative told me I was APPROVED!!!!   My doctor's office hasn't notified me yet so that I could schedule, but I have got to get all of my affairs in order. My mom was going to come and be with me, but she doesn't know if she will be able to.  As you all know my husband isn't exactly 100% supportive, but he has to stay at home with our kids so I am not sure who I can get to go and be with me at the hospital. We will see.  I am not going to get stressed over it!


I had a melt down over girl scout cookies:(

Jan 28, 2010

So tonight I had a meltdown over girlscout cookies..........Here is the back story.  I have always been a sucker for girlscout cookies.  My dad really loves the same ones I love the peanut butter patties(formerly tagalongs), Peanut butter sandwiches (dosidos) and Caramel delights(samoas).  I purchased some cookies from my cousin's daughter and my dad and my kids ate them all minus the two cookies I had.  So, I purchased some from the little girl down the street.  I asked my kids not to eat the peanut butter patty ones they could eat any other ones they wanted.  Well, my husband (who appearently enjoys me being sensative about food) asked me a couple of days ago what did you do with those cookies you bought?By the way he said when I bought them from the neighbor yeah that is what you really need and you want to have that surgery.  He either threw the cookies away except for four or offered them up to my kids, or saw them get them and encouraged it.  I got really upset when I went to get 2 cookies and there were only 4 cookies in a box that I had not even opened. He was like see you are getting this mad and upset over cookies yeah you really need to have that surgery( when he says this he is being sarcastic).  I am not sure if I am more upset because I am getting upset over food I mean really that is rediculous!  Or if I am upset because my husband seems to be enjoying making fun of me because of the meltdown.  I shouldn't be upset about food, but I guess it is habit.  I am getting the revelation that food should just be thought of as just that, food.  I just wish my husband would understand why this surgery is important to me.  I don't know if he is masking fear of me not coming out of the surgery by being ugly or if he really thinks surgery is the easy way out.  He is naturally thin and in shape....he does work out everyday, but I don't think he has the ability to be fat!  I just want his support and for him to understand where I am coming from!  I know it is not easy to understand someone's perspective if you have never been in their shoes, but I would hope that he would make an effort:)  He told me tonight, I don't think you need this surgery so I am not going to help you.  I know when it comes down to it that he will help because he does love me, but he is trying to be ugly so I will give in to make peace and go with his way.  Thank you for being a place I can talk/vent/get feedback!~LaDonna
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