It wasn't all about the food.......

Dec 27, 2009

I met with the nutritionist on the 21st and she was great.  She told me I really wasn't eating wrong, I just needed to start excercising more.  I was also very enlightened when it came to drinking sweet tea!  I don't know if any of you are aware but a southern girl and sweet tea are like pb&j you can't have one without the other.  We make a gallon of tea in one of those pampered chef pitchers and we agg 2 c of sugar to it.  She told me that was equivilent to 2tbsp per 16 oz glass and one tbsp of sugar is equal to eating a slice of white bread!!  I have been practically drinking 1o pieces of white bread!!! Needless to say she said switch to splenda or stivia. 
   We had a great Christmas all of my husband's family was here and so were my parents.  It was a full house (22) but fun.  What was great is my mindset has changed it wasn't all about the food!! We had a ton of great food, but I only ate until I was full and I didn't eat the bad stuff I had mashed sweet potatoes and turkey breast and ham. I also had some baked mac and cheese.  I am going to the Psychologist tomorrow.  It should be interesting she said we would talk for an hour and then I have to take a little questionare. She said to plan for 2 hours.  I am ready to get it over with!  It makes me a bit nervous knowing that one person could stop you from getting your surgery.  I know I am completely sane, but the unknown is what is nerve racking like is she going to ask me crazy questions?  Well, I will write more tomorrow after I meet with her.Till then.~LaDonna

