So much to tell of my life as a Super Duper Fat Chick!

Dec 16, 2011

  Ok, so much to tell of my life as a super duper fat chick! I can say fat chicks rule.... I am still fat so I can. Besides that, I have been a super duper fat chick! At whatever size we are we need to accept ourselves. This can be an issue for people when they are over weight... underweight... or just are insecure about who or what they are.

When you are secure with who you are, you are able to hold your head high and enjoy things around you with a confidence that radiates outward.
This is what I believe is a positive attitude not to be done in a conceited way.
Something I have found to be true. Also, then generally you attract people in your life that become your friends and who does not want to have a few good friends... right!!
But in general, this goes for everyone in the world, we all are humans put on this earth to live. Not to feel like we have to hide ourselfs. To accept difference in the world. Not always agree or like something but to accept and move on with out such harsh mean ways that can hurt other humans.

Old but Current Mottos:
"If you cannot says something nice, do not say anything at all"
or "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

So we all are great just for me I used a decriptive word to say what it is, a fat chick and it can be used in a positive way. Pending the intent or way someone says something it can be a positive! If it is said in a negative way, (and we know what that would and could sound like) we can internalize it and take it for what it is..... or we can reword it in our own words and make our own story!

I learned from a very smart lady once..... Perception is a Key to Success! I agreed with this! I know this is silly but it is so true! We control what we take in, how we process it and use it.

