Tomorrow surgery. Panni...belly goodbye blog.....

Mar 01, 2012

 Bye bye hanging flop belly drop!! 
Belly you have hung with me for most of my life. We have had a love hate relationship that will no longer go on. I will only be able to keep a small part of you, and i promise to love and take care of the smaller part i keep. It has been long and tiring carrying you around. You have been a cushion and a comfort for some. Yes, some of those memories were actually quite fun. You have been a drag at times (literally sometimes I have had to drag you along). No more flaps as I waddle. No more getting stuck as I roll over. No more shifting and adjusting you when I sit. No more pulling you onto my lap so I would not fall out of my chair. No more pulling my back and loss of balance. At times you have been a table, a flotation device in the pool, and a hand warmer when I was cold. You have been a cover to my hoo hoo, and she will be lost and yet exposed without you, but she will manage (no more coverage when naky). I had to tame you when you got pushy, and you always took your space. But like with all things good and bad there comes a time to say goodbye. The time is now I say, dearly beloved part of me..... Hanging, lopsided, funny looking, smelly, sweaty, red, often times bruised, marked up, firm, and sometimes squishy, mooshy, and skin hanging mess you have become..... With all that belly also goes my birth mark.... Gone.... The mark God put on my body will be going bye bye to. Goodbye!

I now let you go for ever! You are cut off (and no, not just at 2am like when the bars are closed.... Forever)!! 

R.I.P. hanging flop belly drop!!  

