Jun 06, 2012

9:30AM on Friday!

Kind of scared, kind of excited, looking forward to it being over.  I went into the surgeon's office today and found myself picking the soonest possible surgery date, so eager am I to have this finished with!

I am SO looking forward to a liquid diet (really!)  I'm looking forward to not being hungry all the time.  Also, I'm looking forward to being a pampered princess when I get home!

As an added bonus, I don't have time to get all anxious and worked up about it.  I've done my homework, I like my surgeon.  I'm in good health, so there's no reason why this can't go very well indeed.

Mostly, I'm scared of anaesthesia, but I think if I just request a sedative be given early in the prep, or on arrival, I'll be able not to panic. 

