Day 15 Post-op --First Mistake!

Jun 23, 2012

Today, my husband and I went to whole foods (a real indulgence with the economy being what it is today) and they have all these lovely samples, right?

So, I'm not actually hungry when we're shopping because I don't have hunger anymore, I just have the vague memory that I'm supposed to be eating right around now (when its time for a meal) but some of these samples are calling my name.

They had flaked cheese, and I knew I couldn't eat a cube of cheese, so I picked up a paper-thin flake of cheese and put it on my tongue.  I waited for it to dissolve, and rubbed it against the roof of my mouth.  It had disintegrated before I swallowed.

News: My sleeve does not like cheese yet!

I love cheese, or at least I did--I don't know anymore!  It isn't lactose intolerance because I do fine with milk and yogurt and cream soups.  I think maybe the taste was a little stronger than I've been used to--or maybe it's the fat?  I got a little nauseated (for the first time since I got home!)

