Day 4 Post Op--Delicious food!

Jun 11, 2012

I'm so happy with what I've been eating--every spoonful is a delight to me now!  Today for lunch I had about 3oz of tomato/beef broth and for dinner, I had about 3oz of chicken/hummus blended soup.  I take FOREVER to eat--probably about an hour.  If I didn't take an hour I wouldn't be able to get the nutrition I need.  If I stopped after 10 minutes, I would be way behind on my daily protein goal of about 60-70g.

But I'm SO HAPPY how I don't have to worry about eating food just because it's there, or feeling like I'm obligated to "clean a plate" because there are starving children in the third world.  Just because something is in the fridge doesn't mean that I have to eat it all up right away, and that's a really cool adjustment!  It feels good to be able to say "no thanks, I've had enough."  Or, "I have some left overs from lunch yesterday that I'm going to have for dinner now."

It makes things SO much simpler!  Ruling out anything solid has been a major help, since it makes my day to day choices easier.  And since I'm a creative person, I can come up with tons of ways to make five or six staple foods interesting and palatable.

This chicken and hummus soup is DELICIOUS.  Seriously, if you like hummus and chicken soup, you've got to try it!  The hummus makes it taste so creamy, even though there's no milk.

