7 Weeks Post-Op

Jul 30, 2012

I haven't blogged in quite awhile.  Life happened, and I started being able to cope more on my own without the crutch of support the online community has given me.  I missed it here, though!

A lot has happened--I'm able to eat pretty much what I want, within reason.  I mean, I'm not trying to eat nachos or something crazy like that.  I had some shredded chicken in a low carb tortilla with salsa and that was pretty much divine.  I could only eat half.  I'm still sort of in the "soft foods" stage.

I ate a slice of cooked carrot tonight, and got a REALLY bad reaction (mouth watering nausea--yuck!)  I gave up on dinner.  I'm just going to have some protein broth later.  That only happened twice before since the surgery.  The first time was when I was eating farina and it got too thick as it stood and I failed to notice until it was too late, and the second time was when I over indulged in some cherries (the queen annes this year are spectacular).  My chewable vitamins make me nauseated, so I've switched to slimline tablets.

So, no carrots for me for awhile!

I'm down about 45-50 pounds depending on which scale you ask!  I can walk up and down more stairs than I used to be able to, without stopping.  Pants that haven't fit me in six years now fit me again!  Still, I feel like it should be going faster.  My surgeon says I'm straight-on normal as far as my progress.  His nurse said "well, you're losing inches, that's what counts."  Like 45 pounds is nothing!

Oh well.  I'm doing my best, that's all I can do.  If my body won't whip itself into shape even though I'm eating like 800 calories a day, there's not much else for it, is there?

Not trying to be pessimistic.  I mean, I'm a billion times better off than I was.  I should keep that in mind.

