Waiting for surgery date

Aug 08, 2011

This is my first blog entry.

I started my WLS attempt back in Oct 2010.  My primary Dr didn't really know what to do or how to get me started so I switched primary Drs to one that a coworker went to and got referred for WLS from.  I had to drive almost an hour to this new dr, but well worth it!  I called my ins and changed over to him in Dec 2010 and they informed me it would take effect Jan 1, 2011....another block in the road. I decided to call so I could get an appointment for Jan 2...right? Wrong! Next avail appt....Feb 5th....ugg!   I should have known this would be the beginning of my whole philosophy of "hurry up and wait..."

So I finally get my appt and am told to go get labs done and come back in a couple weeks....so I did.  And my next appt my dr seemed to be more confused than I was as to why I had to come back in a couple weeks. ....ugg...here we go again....

I finally got my pre op referrals, which took 3 more months to finally get in to see them all (lung dr, EKG, blood work, some kind of "drink this crap while I watch it with an xray machine go down" test, an upper GI/ ultrasound of my guts) and then I thought I'd finally get to see the surgeon, right? wrong!!! NOW I need a pysh evaluation....OMG...I had to wait another month for that!! Finally in June I got to see the surgeon. And I mistakenly thought I would actually have surgery soon-afterall, I did all the pre ops, right? WRONG!! (Now you see why I should have known how things would go).

So the surgeon gives me this packet that states I need to go to a seminar, a pre op lecture and a support group meeting   Seriously? they only have ONE per month!! I could've had this DONE 4 months ago!!  So my last one is Aug 22 and I'm thinking I'll be good to go to surgery like Aug 23, right? hahahahah!!

I had to call my primary to get all my pre ops faxed over, labs, etc. then the surgeon said the ins will need to approve the surgery which can take 2 weeks.  So immediately I call my primary, ask to fax over (July 20).  2 weeks go by and I decide to follow up.  My surgeon has not received my pre ops...of course they couldn't call me a week or so ago and tell me!  So I call my dr again, request again for them to be sent and they tell me I need a chest xray! wtf??? how much crap can keep coming??? So the next day, I call again since I can't get the labs faxed and can't get referrals without calling everyday!!!

So last Friday I got my chest xray and they tell me to follow up Tuesday with my surgeon.  I'm thinking, maybe I'll be scheduled for surgery tuesday!! WHY DO I BOTHER WITH THIS THOUGHT PROCESS?  My dr called today to say I need more labs, since they are outdated-DUH!!! and another EKG....wtf?? that appt took like  amonth to get!! But reading on my surgeons website, EKGs are good for 3 months so I should just need labs done.  The only good news from my dr was that my surgeon wants to sched me ASAP so to hurry and get my tests done!! So my plan now is to call my surgeon's office tomorrow and see if I was approved yet and verify if I need or don't need another EKG done.

I'm beyond ready for this surgery!!! I have researched, read up on, and checked up on every aspect of this WLS and have read many of your inspirational blogs here!! So I figured I would blog my progress as well.  Sorry so long winded, will be shorter next time! Hopefully will have a date next time I blog!!

