Is it the end of weight loss?

Oct 29, 2012

I'm a little frustrated...OK, maybe more than a little....with my lack of weight loss over this past month or so. I haven't had ANY weight loss despite my increase in working out! I know muscle sort of weighs more than fat (one pound of fat is the same weight as one pound of muscle BUT one pound of muscle is considerable SMALLER than one pound of fat) so some of you will say that's why I may not be losing weight.  If I were losing inches, I would agree with you but I'm not!! frustrating!!! OK, so maybe..just maybe...I'm not eating as healthy as I have been...OK, not maybe, for sure! So I'm putting myself in check starting TODAY!! Someone please hide the Halloween candy from me!! thank you, dear husband! Ok, now I can start!  I wish I never tried to see if I was OK wth sugar or not! ugg!! Sugar and carbs are from the devil, I tell ya!!

Anyway, a vow to myself, out loud, to keep ME accountable for MY actions...I vow to eat only healthy foods for the rest of October and the entire month of November along with exercising a minimum of 3 times a week, despite how tired I am, despite any other bs excuses I have and despite how yummy that unhealthy dish looks and/or smells!!  I will plan meals ahead, give myself lots of healthy deliciious options to eat while at work so I don't buy any crappy snacks while there, I will drink lots of water, avoiding all sodas and I will set a timer to eat every 3-4 hours to avoid hunger pains and avoid over eating and choosing wrong foods!! In other words, I will eat how I KNOW how to eat and not how I WANT to eat to avoid getting myself into the same routine that got me fat in the first place!! and will help me continue to lose weight to get to my goal of 130 something!

As rough as the first year was on some levels....the weight came off pretty easily compared to now. Now I have to take what I've learned and apply it to every day life to be able to lose a little more and keep it off for the rest of my life!! I REFUSE to gain the weight back, I REFUSE to be fat ever again!!

Good luck to all of you on your journey!!

