Good things come to those who wait

Aug 31, 2011

YAY!! I'm finally approved and have a date!! October 10th will be the first day of my new life!  It will have been an entire year since I started this WLS journey.  Good things come to those who wait! As much as its felt like FOREVER and time has dragged on, I'm really glad I had this time to research, learn, talk to many people who have had WLS and read all of these wonderful blogs!! I've researched not only the surgery, but my surgeon as well.....and I am glad I had PLENTY of time to do that.  I'm getting married in 1 year (and 7 days) so I will have 11 months to lose a ton of weight before I walk down that aisle and I look forward to feeling good about wearing that dress....and feeling comfortable in my own skin again.  I feel really good about the person under the I just want my outsides to match my insides!!!

I just want to thank everyone for all of time you have taken to blog and post pics!!!  I read them all the time and its been very helpful to learn about what you all go through and know that if I go through those things, I will have more knowledge on how to get through it and that its all a normal part of the surgery!  I've learned some foods may bother me, I may go through spurts in my weight loss where I stop losing for awhile. I may crave sugar later, even though I'm not usually prone to do so now.  I learned I'm very likely to throw up my food at some point, to NOT let myself get dehydrated....don't stop eating healthy.....DON'T fall into old habits....and so much more!  Thank you all for that information and I hope to pass on my journey to help someone else as well!

