Tummy issues suck!!

Dec 07, 2011

Yesterday I started have PAINS in my stomach/bowel area and at some points when I would take a breath it would HURT!! So I figured its probably gas pains or something.  I often only go to the bathroom like every 3 or 4 days but I had just gone the day before so I was ruling out constipation.  When I ate my breakfast/lunch (I was too busy at work to eat breakfast-which prob isn't good) it HURT afterwards...like somewhat sharp pains. I started thinking maybe I should call the Dr. but let it go. I didn't attempt to eat again until dinner which I managed to get 2 bites in (lots of chewing, lots of time between the bites) and I HURT and started feeling like I was going to vomit.  This lasted for about an hour!!! So I thought I should call the Dr in the morning, something must be wrong!! Then I remembered that I ate yogurt the past few days (its sooo yummy to me right now) and how I can't have milk cuz it makes me sick to my stomach and how maybe I really am lactose intolerant and the yogurt made me super gassy or have bowel issues....hmmmmm. So I went to bed and had to wake up at 4am for work, forgetting about it (since I woke up feeling fine).  I felt fine after eating my oatmeal for breakfast and then later went to have a couple carrots for snack and after the first one the pain started in again!!! And continued for about an hour....when I got home, I had diarrhea!!! Now I'm listening my stomach make some awesome rumbling sounds and staying near the bathroom!! So I suppose I probably am lactose intolerant and not going to be able to eat anything milk based :(  I LOVE yogurt so this is the first time I'm super sad and feel "deprived" since the surgery!!! Oh well, I'm sure I'll get over it....let's see....yogurt and stay fat or no yogurt and be skinny....that's easy!!!   Hopefully I don't have too many other loved things I'll be sad about losing for life!!

