I just realized my BMI is in the "normal" range!

Nov 27, 2012

oh happy day!!   I'm MORE than happy with my WLS!! BEST decision I EVER made was to have this surgery!! The other day my boss asked me to climb on a table to fix a light in the ceiling.  For a brief second I gave her this look like she was INSANE and thought, "I'm not getting on there, I'll BREAK .....oh wait, I'm not fat anymore!!" all I said was, "why don't u get up there?" and she says "YOU go..your ass is smaller than mine, I'm afraid I'd break it!"....which is funny because I've always thought of my boss as thin...like a perfect size...not too thin, not fat at all.  And I def don't see myself thinner than her...so I argued...."ya right! I wish I was your size!" ....she glared at me (we have a really good friendship, actually), called me a name and basically told me I'm crazy if I think she's thinner than me. When I found out I wear a smaller size than she does I about died! Not because she's fat...not at all....but its crazy to think I'm smaller than her!! I don't see myself as fat anymore ...but I surely don't see myself as thin! I look forward to losing 10-13 more lbs and getting a tummy tuck and a boob job!!! :D


