So happy to see the scale move again

Nov 27, 2012

I'm happier that I'm back on track, as i should be! :D I'm logging all my food again and working out at least 2 days a week, trying to work out more like 4 days a week! I have a 16 yr old daughter who struggles with her weight (by struggles I mean she has to count calories and work out just to maintain her weight! she's lost about 25 or so lbs in the past 6 months...she's about 10 lbs overweight now...but for her it feels like 100!). She keeps me in check when it comes to working out...she "bugs" me to work out often so it helps keep me on track!

At some point, I got as low as 150 lbs and back up to 157.  Luckily, I have NO desire to gain and EVERY desire to be between 135 and 140 so I got back on track, following all the rules to lose weight again.  I have to remember I CANNOT eat what I want to eat! That is a FACT! and just like an alcoholic being addicted to alcohol, therefore not being able to even have a sip of it...I'm addicted to crappy food....mostly carbs...and i have a sweet tooth but only once i have some.  If I completely avoid sweets, guess what happens? I STOP craving them! as soon as a morsal enters my mouth, I'm doomed!!  bad carbs are the same concept...chips, crackers, pretzels...ugg! So I'm learning to KNOW what my issues are and avoid them! uggg!! scientists need to come up with a way to alter our taste buds!! can't they just get RID of them all together? then nothing would taste good and eventually we would stop craving it and only eat to give ourselves nutrients and we would eat healthy brussel sprouts...cuz they wouldn't taste like crap anymore!!  well, until then, I will do everything in my power to avoid bad carbs and sugar and focus on the healthy stuff and focus on working out!!

I hope u all are doing well on YOUR journey!! I wish u all the best of luck

