Got my GoWear Fit!

Feb 11, 2010

Yay! It arrived and I've been wearing it for one full day and one half day. It's not really uncomfortable-I was worried that the armband wouldn't fit my arms as I have some serious 'wing' action going on, but it's fine.  It feels a bit weird but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

The first day I had a lot of trouble getting it to synch and set, but today everything is fine..might just have been a bad tech day, I managed to completely unset my cable tv as well. 

The step counter actually works! I've bought many pedometers in the past, and they all failed to count a lot of my steps. I don't stomp around, I guess. Probably also my well padded waist blocks a lot of motion. This thing detects movement in space so it's not fooled.

It beeps when you meet your daily step/calorie goals. Scared the bejesus out of me. *g*

The real reason I bought it was to see whether my metabolism is really as shot as I think... I've got a loooong history of crash dieting, eating terribly, depression leading to not eating at all, etc etc. The first full day measured I burned 1541 calories.   Sounds good?  That's much lower than the 2100 bmr predictors! And that included my 30 min treadmill walk. (at 2.2 mph, 1.5 incline), running (ok trotting) home deliberately to see what happened and a fair amount of walking at work. I'm normally a LOT less active than that.   No wonder I lose slowly!  We have Monday off here so I should get good readings for more normal days.

So I'm really liking the GWF so far. We'll see how it goes.


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