
Apr 05, 2010

It's spring!

This time of year is full of contradictions. It's usually below freezing in the morning when I walk to work, and too hot to wear a coat when I walk home. The snow is going (mostly), but it won't be warm enough to plant anything outside until the end of May. I really should move somewhere with an actual summer!

I've been going through plant and seed catalogues like crazy.. I live in a basement apartment, but I have lots of big pots outside on the driveway that I love to fill with unusual combinations of plants. I am lucky enough to have a huge east-facing window at work, so I can indulge myself with plants there too.  I need more orchids!  I am going to grow cherry tomatoes again at work; the yellow pear shaped ones were a huge hit once people got over the idea of yellow pear shaped tomatoes. :)

Weight loss has been wildly up and down. That seems to be "normal" for me. I have to remind myself that I AM losing weight, and inches, and people are noticing. Ok not as much weight as some folks, especially those with the more complicated surgeries, but I knew that going in. Right? Right. I knew my metabolism was off from years of yo yo dieting. I haven't bought new clothes really, because all my pants have elastic waists. They're all huge in the legs now, but the waist still fits ok. I should buy some new clothes! And some undies.  Ladies reading this will probably relate- where'd my boobs go?? 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 19, 2009
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