Step 2..... checkeroni!

Dec 01, 2011

 so 1st thing i gotta say is im totally back on track. have been since that 1st blog post i made. i guess theres alot to be said for accountability.

 now on to our trip,
 no crazy cab driver this time, but what is up with the new smaller cabs? dude! they are uncomfy, no room for the knees, just glad i'm not taller. the plane experience was 100 times better. we flew westjet this time, and man they are way better. we actually fit in the seats and even JUST fit the seatbelts. no seatbelt extenstions required, yay!! there were 3 seats on either side of the aisle and i was seated at the aisle and james was seated at the window and no one in between! we rode in style! plus as a super big bonus there was tvs in the seat backs. there was 23 rows, much bigger then the 12 that the air canada plane had, that may be why this flight was so much smoother? hmmm.. bigger plane =smoother ride? who knows, but they had good snacks for sale too.
 we got to the hotel and again were very happy with the room. we went up to the lounge to have dinner( they make an excellent chicken and cranberry salad, just get the dressing on the side! its high in cals)and wouldnt you know it, we sit at a table and next thing we know there are 2 diet pepsis with lime put in front of us! the waitress, who served us ONCE before, remembered our drink orders. yes she certinatly earned her tip that day! lol. so after supper we went for a swim, i tread water for 35 mins, i have been trying to do some activity each day, whether it be wii fit step aerobics for 30 min , a half hour on the recumbant bike or the ab doer twist. i havent done it every day but i do do it most days. anyhow, back to the swimming, it felt so good to be in that water, i really want to start aquacises as soon as james ei kicks in. but man does it hurt coming out of the water. i have a foot detox/ion cleanse booked next week, it should help my joints. i shouldnt have waited so long before going for one. i really think the detoxs are the reason im able to get up the stairs again.
   the next morning was my asessment. my nurse case manager is named sue, shes very nice. we reviewed my medical and weight history. she is concerned about my i.b.s. so i will have to meet with an internist to discuss it. she said that if all goes well, i could have an apt with the surgeon in as little as 3 months. yay! im so excited! she also said that i would lose between 20 and 30 % of my weight with surgery, and thats it!!!! what?? that would put me at 208lbs, i dont think so tim! i swear i will work my ass off so i can at least see onerderland! 199lbs here i come! in all reality i would prefer less, but we'll see what happens.we set some goals, i have to attend 3 more modules, go for a bone density scan,continue to food journal like i have been but i need to record my emotions aswell. im also supposed to continue wearing a pedometer and record my steps everyday, aswell as any excercise i do. sounds do-able. since my plane didnt leave till 7 pm she got me to see the dietician and the psychologist while i was there, which was awesome of her!
 my dietician is named suneet she was very easy to talk to. we worked out 2 goals aswell, i have to start living with the daylight instead of being up until 2 a.m and sleeping till noon-1 p.m, so from now on i will get up at 10 a.m( to start) and the 2nd goal is that i will start eating a real meal for breakfast instead of my fit smart shakes. so im excited to eat again, i have been having 3 shakes a day and supper for over a year. i will still have a shake for lunch and for snack. although i have to say, i had a healthy breakkie today, and wasnt very hungry come lunch, but after lunch, i found the shake unsatisfing and left me wanting my next shake. i think i could really do 3 square meals a day and be happy, but im scared of gaining back the weight ive lost. she also told me that i need 2000 cals a day to maintain my current weight so she wants me to intake between 1600-1700 cals a day in order to lose weight. she will be refering me to a dietician here in wpg that i will work with (cost???), aswell as continue seeing her, and they will co-ordinate. she was also very impressed at how healthy we actually eat, the journal she looked at did not show that month of binging we did. lo but since being back on track, i know we work really hard to eat healthy.
 lastly i saw the psychologist who was named jason, he was kinda cute if you don't mind me sayin. lol anyways he went over my mental health history, and was very careful to make sure i have supports in place and didnt have any lofty goals in mind.apparently there s tons of research done on rny and borderline personality disorder. he says some schools of thought are very  against it and others are good with it but with caution. hes going to phone my psychatrist here and see what he says. so technically i think it all rests on his decision. i could be denied or accepted at this point. he said that he would meet with sue and suneet yesterday then with the psychiatric team today and depending when he could get a hold of my psych here, he would make a decision. sue said no news is good news, that she will only call if i was not accepted, but jason said he would call if i was accepted, cuz he would need to schedule a follow up appt. hmmm? i guess im hoping for a call then...
 so that was trip #2, i am scheduled for 2 more trips, jan 22-24 i have 5 apt's, dietician, nurse/case manager,dr,physio therapist, occupational therapist, and i will do module #2, the i go back jan 31- feb 2 for the other 2 modules #4 , and a whole body composition plus bone densitometry scan. i think i would be feeling discouraged right now because of my possible barriers, but i saw an awesome tarot reader named bernice who told me (without knowing anything about it) that i would be getting good news from edmonton. so im trying to have faith in that!
the adventure continues....


About Me
winnipeg, XX
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2011
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