so much has happened!

Feb 22, 2012

 so i guess i should start at my last trip to Edmonton. we went on Jan 31st, on the plane ride there someone actually had to sit between us for a change. luckily she was thin. even better she was from Scotland! yay! talk about sitting between two perfect people for a flight.she was impressed by our tattoos but even more so over the fact that we had haggis at our wedding! lol. it was a fun, but squishy flight. we arrived to friendly familiar faces at the hotel. some super nice people work there. but our fave is the waitress upstairs named Tara, she even gives us hugs. so on Feb 1st we had 2 modules, which as of 2012 are now called workshops, we got a kick out of that. the a.m. class went well, then we had lunch and went to our afternoon module/workshop, it was during this that we noticed a killarney phone number trying to call our cell and it wasn't my dads! panic started to set in so James left the room and called home. he spoke to my mom, who heard from my dads bro Ron in killarney. James called me into the hall and told me that my dad has had a heart attack and we did not know how he was as he was being transferred to Brandon hospital. so commence freak out! by that night all we had heard is he was in ICU, that his bp was so low they had to keep reviving him and he was in arterial fibrillation. the next morning i had to hold it together and meet with the head psychiatrist at the weight wise clinic. it went well all things considered. he spoke to me and said i may have issues because i like to treat myself with food, but felt surgery would do no harm to me. he then called James in and he spoke to us about how marriages can change after surgery and that as long as we get counseling we should be OK if any problems arise. that afternoon i had my bone densitrometry and whole body composition scan. oh yeah,,,, did i mention, I GOT PSYCH CLEARANCE!!!!! my biggest hurdle officially passed. the body scan was neat, they gave me the papers to take to the clinic next time i go, and man am i ever fat! lol, that scan shows every inch of flab! hides nothing! oh well. so from the airport ( we had a 6 hour wait till our flight) i kept calling Brandon hosp for updates on my dad. hes developed delirium, did not have a heart attack, but may have had another stroke ( he had a major stroke at the age of 53, 9 years ago) apparently he had a pain in his leg, went to lay down and was in bed with diarrhea for 3 or 4 days, got severley dehydrated which caused the heart and bp issues. to top it off they discovered he is diabetic and has a massive infection in his leg, which spread and is now sepsis. as of today my dad is still in brandon hospital, infection is slowly healing, his white cells are finally coming down. he reacted badly to some of the antibiotics at 1st, but once switched started to improve. he had delirium for a week but after being transfered to a regular ward on day 8, delirum ceased to be an issue. did not have a stroke, but is having to work at walking and talking again, hopefully with rehab he will be independant again one day. so weve been spending every weekend in brandon, sleeping in the nurses residence. which, by the way was really great accomadations! 
 so back to everything else thats been going on. on the monday after we came home from edmonton, we spent the weekend at brandon hosp, then came home sunday night thought it was really weird my little boy cat wookie never came out to see me, then monday morn when he still didnt come out i knew something was really wrong! bronwyn and i went looking for him. broni found him in the scrap/craft room. i went in and he was crying in pain and couldnt move his back end at all, i thought maybe fus or a broken hip?. so i called james at school and he rushed home so we could take my wookster to the vet. the vet knew right away what it was, there was no pulse in his back legs, and they were cold. its a heart condition, that has no warning and no treatment, basically the heart starts shooting out blood clots and form embollisms in his legs. unfortunatly he had to put my wookie down. i held him in my arms while the vet gave him the needle to his heart. he tried to give it to him in a vein, but they were collapsing already. i really miss him! he was my buddy, he slept under our bed, so every time i moved he knew when i was up and would come give me lovin snuggles, every morn, every night, and every time i went pee! he was 12, we only had him for 7 years, we got him as an adult from the humane society.
 well after all this crap happening, you think id get some good news, which i guess you could say i did, since my dad was slowly improving, but  at this point he was nowhere near out of the woods. i went to my follow up apt with dr corne, at the sleep disorder clinic. found out i have severe sleep apnea! what the heck! i thought at worst id have mild sleep apnea. apparently you are supposed to have under 5 respiratory disturbances an hour, i had between 15 and 119!!!i range from moderate to very severe sleep apnea! so overall they deem it severe. i will be contacted in the next 4 weeks to be fitted for a cpap machine! crazy!
 so all was slowly getting back to normal this week, then today i recieved a phone call from sue, my case manager, she told me that as long as they can squeeze me in i will see dr shazeer karmali the SURGEON!!!! next week while i am there! i was so excited i forgot to ask any further questions, after talking to nicole i realized i want to know more! so i called sue back and asked how long after that will i get surgery? she said 4-6 weeks!!!! holy crap!! i will have to go back for a scope and a couple other tests she said, but seriously! surgery in 4-6 weeks! i could be starting optifast in the next month! wow!! wow!! wow!!!lol
cant wait to post next week after our next trip!
hugs to all, wish me luck!


About Me
winnipeg, XX
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2011
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