Snacking.....Stop the Insanity!

Apr 07, 2011

This is been my issue as of late.  I can't walk by a bag of chips or cheese stick ect. with out the insatiable urge to take a bite.  My tummy even growls and has that hunger sensation.  I was hoping to go further than two months with out feeling "hunger" but here I am.  Maybe this is my food addiction talking, maybe it's because I'm truly hungry. I do know that it is a constant struggle for me to NOT eat.  I know the surgery is a tool, and prevents me from eating a WHOLE bag of chips, however, is eating one just as bad?  Should I force myself to eat only on a schedule or allow myself to indulge in just one bite?  Either way I'm feeling guilt or wanting.  I HATE that my life still revolves around food.  Right now I'm watching the clock because I know at 1:00 I can eat again.  UGGGGGG frustration.  I'm not indulging, but my willpower is starting to wear thin.  I'm not sure if anyone else reads this, quite honestly just writing about it is cathartic but any advice would be helpful.  I haven't been to my shrink in a while so I'm sure that is something I need to bring up at my next visit. 

On the bright side I am still loosing weight.  45lb and  counting.  Yay for that right? 


About Me
galveston, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2011
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