Crazy people!!

May 23, 2012

Today, I left work early because....well because I was bored.

So I am walking through a very busy area to catch the bus and there are literally hundreds of people walking through several sets of doors. This woman walks through the door in front of me and before I realize that she had stopped dead, I opened the door to go through myself and ended up catching the back of her shoe. It was an accident, brought on by idiocy.....who stops dead in front of a very busy doorway??
Anyways, I apologized for it and started on my way, not really paying much attention until she starts yelling at me.
I had my ipod on so didn't hear what she was saying. I took it off and looked at her and she said, ""well?? are you going to pay for that?"

"Uhh....I don't think so. I am sorry though"

"Oh no, you are going to pay! Look my shoe is ripped! How am I supposed to walk now??"

I looked her straight in the eye and said, slightly annoyed at this point..."carefully"

I walked away again and heard her run up behind me and my heart started pounding, thinking I was in for a showdown and lo-and-behold....she SPIT on me!!!!!

Seriously???? WHO DOES THAT????

Sooo many things raced through my mind but I just shook my head and kept walking, thinking that this is actual assault now, not just annoying. Yes, I broke her darn flip-flop. I apologized. And no, not in a million years was I going to pay for it. As if I am going to start handing money out to strangers on the sidewalk of the bus station!!!

So she comes up to me AGAIN and says, "well I deserve an apology!"

Calmly, I said, "I already told you I was sorry"

"Well sorry isn't going to cut it!! What are you going to give me??" (didn't you just ASK for an apology?? now you don't want one??)


"Nothing?? What's that?? You can't put that on a piece of bread??" now I am pretty sure I am dealing with a crazy I just said, "well it'll have to do because that's all you are getting from me"

Then she pointed the crazy gypsy curse finger at me and said..."This will come back to you!"

I just held up my hands and said, "I'll take my chances"

I realize I caught her shoe but come on!!!!! That was a little crazy, no??? Is it just me??

The whole time heart was beating out of my chest, I was TERRIFIED!!! And you know what I was afraid of??? That she was going to play the "Fatso" card and call me some sort of fat name....and then everyone on the sidewalk watching the whole affair would have been witness to my humiliation.

But she didn't.
Because I am not fat anymore.


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