The Scale won't MOVE!

Apr 03, 2011

GAH! I'm so frustrated this morning. I have been busting my butt to eat healthy, walk at least 10,000 steps a day, work out for 45 minutes (in which I've been running/walking), and drinking lots of water. However, the scale is stuck at 222.2, and will not move. I have tried a different scale and it says the same thing. It makes me so mad! I don't know if its the fact that I've only had 3 weeks of recovery and since I was on the liquid diet for so long, that my body is holding on to foods, but to be frank it is PISSING ME OFF! My goal was to be at 215 by now, and I can't even get below 220. I'm starting classes tonight, and I'm going to try and get up at 5am everyday, hit the gym, and hit the gym after work too. I'm so sick of the stupid scale. I know my clothes are fitting better.


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