Ready to hit the gym!

Mar 22, 2011

So I had my 1 week post-op appointment with my doctor, and he gave me some wonderful news! Apparently because of my age, my healing is going faster than usual. Therefore, I am on a pureed diet until Saturday, then I can start eating soft foods, then by next Saturday, I"ll be eating regular meals! He also gave me the all clear to hit the gym again and start working out!!! I had to stop working out because I had lost too much weight at first, and would not have qualified for the surgery. I so badly want to finish a 5k this Summer, and I can start my training again! I never used to like running, but for some reason, running is an intense workout and I feel amazing afterwards.

I'm thinking about joining the gym in my hometown again. My doctor has a gym at his office, that I have paid for in the initial costs, but it's an hour drive from home. This gym is literally 2 blocks from my house! I figure I can get up at 5am, drive to the gym (since it is still dark out at 5am), work out for an hour, come home and take a shower and head to work. Then, when I get off, I can hit the gym again on my way home. My fiance has no idea how hard I am going to work at losing weight. I know the band will help, but it is up to me for true success.

Thanks everyone who reads this! 


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