Post 2 Week 2 257.5 Time to tell everyone

Apr 07, 2013

Monday morning, and happy to say this second week of all liquids is done.  Yeah.  Although most of my meals will be liquid I am looking forward to having some food of substance.  I am also looking forward to working out back at the gym.  This last week was rough having to deal with so much stuff on top of recovery. Had to decide if I was keeping my job or taking another one, decided to stick it out.  My husband fathers is dying, and having to deal with the loss is very difficult.  My daughter needed a passport so we both waited 5 hours to get hers and mine, I forgot to plan ahead so I went a long time without substance or water, won't do that again. My other daughter had to get her disability benefits filed for so started that process. Daughters wheel chair lift is broker so we walked 4.4 miles to the movies me driving her power chair and her brother marching along with us.  That was just too far this early out I hurt afterwards.  But after a nap and a little pain med I was better.  The biggest thing this week was my mood swings.  My poor husband, I was all over the boards.  I was depressed I didn't lose enough.  I was mad I couldn't do everything for everybody. I was snippy and snappy that I had nothing of comfort for my body.  I am sure there will be more moments like that.  I am disappointed that I was under 500 calories a day and I only lost 4 lbs.  But I have lost inches and I am very happy about that.  Yeah.  This will be a great week.  Now I am going to write emails to my family and inform them of the decision I made to change my life, Gastric sleeve.  Update you next week.  t


About Me
Campbell, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 09, 2012
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