5 years and counting!

Dec 05, 2012

Hi All,

Happy Anniversary to me!  5 years since my surgery and what a ride it has been.  Ups and downs, twist and turns. But at last I can honestly say that it was all worth it.  From losing my taste buds for one year, to going into ketosis, to losing 130 lbs very quickly.  I still think/want to have surgery but my family is loudly vetoing that option.  Who knows what the future will hold!

After 5 years I am still maintaining my weight loss without a problem.  I still look in the mirror in amazement.  Yes, it's true you will always have to take a multi-vitamin, B-12 especially!  My muscle tone has increased and I love the gym.

One thing I will emphasize is that to be successful you must be mentally prepared for all that will hit you.  Your mind can play a lot of games and have you going off in areas that you should be avoiding.  Counseling should be required for at least 1-2 years after surgery to help deal with these issues.

Overall, again I'll say that I'm glad I had the surgery because the lower back pain I was starting to have was a sure sign of not so good things to come.

Until next time!


About Me
Durham, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2007
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Friends 5

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5 days Post-op!
Surgery date chosen!
