Easter Weekend....

Apr 09, 2007

I made it through Easter weekend.. and didn't have a single piece of candy!!! ... John and I worked in the yard all weekend... we laid 2000 square feet of sod.. my body is sore.. my hands and legs are killing me.. but DAMNIT it feels good!! I told John yesterday.. that I wouldn't have been able to do this 60 pounds ago... 

It just felt good being outside working and not sweating and gasping for air... I also lost 3 pounds over the weekend!! Which brings my total weight loss to..... " 6 6 " YEAH!!!!!!!! 

I really need to buy some new clothes.. but I keep putting it off and putting it off.. I just don't want to waste money on stuff I'm going to have to give away in a few months.. I mean I know my pants are big time baggy.. But I don't care!!! I was in a 22/24 ... and now my 18W's are very baggy.... I got into a pair of 16W that I had from a few years ago... they fit and feel great.. but they are stretch jeans.. so I can't get to excited about 'em!!! Anyway.. I'll write more later!

another day.. another pound!

Apr 02, 2007

I'm down another pound.. that makes the total " 6 3 " since surgery! It's coming off slowly... On another note.. my hair is falling out in handfulls. I knew that was a side affect.. but DAMN IT I"m going to be bald if it keeps falling out at this rate! 

I've bought some protein bars.. and started taking prenatal vits. ... let's hope it helps.. I did find a decent protein drink.. the Special K waters.. They taste pretty good.. and have 5 grams of protein...

Meeting with the UPS ladies tonight.. I can't wait.. I haven't seem any of them since before my surgery in November... !!!!

Another day...

Mar 29, 2007

I'm down another pound.. which makes " 6 2 " ... Wish it were more.. but I can't complain.. I haven't really put forth the effort either... John took the job offer from Lexus.. and started there on Monday.. it's not like it was a huge MOVE as far as company's goes.. it's the same dealership.. same owner.. just different car types.. but it's more money.. NO WEEKENDS! (he was working every other Saturday.. which I sated) .. and a change for him to learn and get mastered on another type of auto.. he seems so much happier.. and so far.. likes it a lot.. I'm proud of him for making that jump.. 

My son Logan on the other hand is testing my limits.. he's sassy and snotty and back talks and is disrespectful... which reminds me, I need to call my father and appoligze for all the times I was a brat growing up.. if I was ANYTHING like Logan is being to me.. My poor father deserves an award for not killing me on the spot... 

Anyway... we have a busy weekend planned... We're putting in a show door in our bathroom.. and a new kitchen sink with fixtures.. what we have now is the cheap crap the builders put in.. then I'm going to try and get my bathroom painted... 

OH.. and some other great news.. I'm getting laser surgery !! I can't wait.. I hate these glasses I have to wear now.. my contacts are driving me nuts.. with the new lens I had to get for my right eye.. so I just decided to GO FOR IT and get it done... I'm having the surgery on the 19th of April!!! YEAH!!!

An update

Mar 21, 2007

Well.. I went over a week without losing anything.. I guess it didn't help that I had my period... but I was glad this morning to see the scale move.. if only a pound.. it still moved! I'm down " 6 1 " .. I got really depressed for a few days.. seems like other who had the surgery before me just seem to be losing faster then I am... But after feeling sorry for myself.. and going to the SC Boards.. I was cheered up!!! I'm going to have John take some pictures this week.. I really need to update the ones I have posted...

I hit 60!!

Mar 14, 2007

As of this morning.. I hit the big " 6 0 " point! Doing pretty good.. Dr's appointment went great.. I don't have to go again for another 3 months.. which will put me back at Dr' R's office at the end of May..

Life is good.. my clothes are getting bigger on me. Had to move down a few sizes in bra's.. I can not believe how much I've lost in my boobs. I've gone from a 46 DDD to a 42DD. I'm in week 15... Food is a hit or miss.. I am back to eating my beloved salads with grilled chicken. The good thing about that is.. I can get 2 lunches out of one salad.. Everyone at work has been so encouraging... Anyway.. LIFE IS GOOD!!

Life is good

Feb 26, 2007

Weighed myself this morning.. I'm down a total of 55 pounds. We went to GA this weekend to celebrate my oldest son Nathan's 19th birthday and my sister's 47th.. they have the same birthday.. they both live in GA (which is where John and I moved to SC from ) Nathan is in College there... ANYWAY.. had a great time! I miss GA so much... Thinking very seriously about moving back... just need to sell our house. It's the only thing holding us in SC.... *sigh* Anyway.. I have a Dr's appt on March 1st.. so I'll post after that.. let you know what Dr R had to say!!!

So close to 50 I can taste it!

Feb 12, 2007

All went well at my last Dr's visit... and as of this morning, I'm teetering on 50 pounds... I've been at 49 for about 4 days now.. and NOTHING!! I guess it doesn't help that I had my period this week. But John and I went to Gatlinburg TN for our anniversary this past weekend.. and walked and walked.. we had a great time! But damnit.. it was cold! Anyway... I can't wait to hit the big " 5 0 " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....

The big "4 0 " ....

Jan 22, 2007

I've made it to one personal goal.. which was 40 pounds... I hit that this morning... I've gotten into some old jeans I had from a few years back.. good thing jeans never go out of style... Levi's are Levi's! I have a check up on the 31st of January... I wanted to be 50 pounds by then... but I think that's a little to much to fast... so if I drop another 5 .. and be at 45 by the 31st.. I'll be happy... Everything is going great.. it's a hit or miss with food... I have yet to attempt taking a bit of steak... I'm about over chicken.. and I can eat the insides of a taco.. although.. spices don't seem to agree with me anymore.. hope that will pass... I miss salads.. I miss getting the grilled greek chicken salad at lunch time... a few more months and I can have lettuce... if I've learn one thing from this experience.. it's SLOW DOWN.. eat SLOWLY.. noone is going to take it away from me.. chew chew chew... and then chew again.. ANYWAY.. I'll post more after my appointment!......... and one more thing.. I'm no longer Extremely Obese.. I'm Obese now.. nice to get rid of the EXTREME part of that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

32 days and I'm down 29 pounds!

Dec 28, 2006

I try and weigh myself at the same time every morning.. naked of course... this helps me keep an exact number... some people say I should only weigh once a week or wait until I go to the Dr's visits.. I say.. SCREW THAT... I'm not by any means obsesed with the scale.. as a matter of fact.. .the week I was at a stall... after the 3rd day of NOTHING lost... I waited to weigh myself again at the beginning of the next week... my BMI went from 45.4 down to 41... still extremely obese.. but at least it's going down. .... I went online today to look at my insurance profile... so far.. the total billed to my insrance company is $71,581.72 ... of that.. I have to pay a total of about $1,195.00 .. not to bad!!! These last few days, it seems I'm dropping a pound a day.. I can deal with that!!! I stopped by the drug store on my way home last night and bought chewable calcium and iron pills.... I can tell my iron is low, I look so pale and I'm so tired... I'm taking the iron at night.. it's such a small pill, I don't think I need to cut it up at all.. the calcium is pretty decent tasting... but I have to remember to chew 4 a day... Food just isn't as appealing to me as it use to be.. in some ways... it's a chore to eat.. and I have to remind myself to eat sometimes! Anyway... Happy New Year everyone!!! And Happy Birthday to ME!!

It's been 30 Day's

Dec 26, 2006

As of today.. it's been exactly 30 days since my surgery... I've lost a grand total of 27.01 pounds... Like everyone else on here, I wish it would melt away faster... but still .... 27 pounds is a lot... I'm healing nicely... except for one incision, where the JP drain was... the PA at Dr R's office told me it's not infected.. and that this was the one hole that took the most beating.. it's where the scope went in.. and JP drain was.. so it's goig to take a little longer... ANYWAY... I have another check up on the 3rd of January... I can't believe another year is almost GONE... and on the 1st... I'll be another year older.. I'll write more after my check up...

About Me
Greer, SC
Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 48
Been a while!
WOW.. it's been a while!
And another 2 pounds GONE forever!
It's been a while....
Double WOW moment!!
Daily Grind
My 1 year anniversary !
Another 2 GONE!
