3 week check up

Dec 20, 2006

Had my 3 week check up yesterday... all went well.. I'm down 22 pounds... YEAH!!!! I was advanced to the next level on the menu.. which is a good thing.. because I'm so over sugar free jello and apple sauce.. The only problem I'm having is with my anti-depressants... I had to have the caplet switched to a liquid... after taking it for the first time this morning... it's no better... Anyway.. I've been slacking on posting... but it's the holiday's... and I've been back at work for almost 2 weeks now... trying to play catch up. I'll post more later..

All is well in my world!

Dec 06, 2006

I don't know what I was whining about in that last post. Everything went off on time as planned without a hitch. I guess I was just nervous and excited. Within  24 hours of my paperwork being faxed to BCBS of MA I was approved. I went for my post op that Wednesday and my surgery was performed on 11/27/06 as planned. No hold ups. Everything went smoothly... I had a nice Thanksgiving with John's family in TN.. and checked into the hospital Monday morning at 7:30... Rolled into surgery at 11:06 and by 4 was in ICU. The first day was pretty much a blurr... I mean they had me hooked up to that pain med drip thing.. which kept me in a fog for a few hours. I think the only time I ever said to my self.. WHAT THE HELL DID I DO TO MY SELF... was when I had to go for that damn leak test. It was the first time I had to stand up.. and I thought I was going to pass out. And to top it off.. you have to drink the most vile tasting crap I've ever put into my mouth.. and stand on an x-ray machine and they watch that crap run through my system. .... And it's true what they say about GET UP AND WALK.. becasue the minute I did that.. after I'd stood for that x-ray... and everything inside me fell back into place.. I started feeling better... after the leak test... I left ICU and went to a regular floor... that afternoon I could not believe how much better I felt. I no longer wanted or needed the pain meds.... I think that was half my problem ... it was making me so sick to my stomach...I had no pain from the surgery.. ANYWAY.. by day 3 I was so ready to go home... but alas... they made me stay... on Thursday.. day 4.. when Dr Rowitz came by to see me I had to ask him if he even did anything inside of me.. because I felt so good and was in no pain.. he started laughing and said.. YES.. I DID MY JOB!! He told me while on a liquid diet I would feel nothing, but when I got back on normal foods... I might change my tune... But.. I'm a week and a day out.. I have had no pain meds... no soreness.. NOTHING.. I'm on full liquids.. Marylee said if I can put it in a blender and blend it up fine I can have it... my one week post op appointment I've lost 13 pounds 4 ozs!!! I was released to go back to work on Monday.. thank GAWD! I can't stand sitting home doing nothing.. I was out doing a little Christmas shopping yesterday... that tired me out.. but it felt good. I can not believe how much energy I wake up with in the morning.. I use to wake up all tired.. and not rested.. now I can spring outta bed.. I'm amazed!!! I would do this again in a heart beat!!!!

Surgery date changed...

Nov 17, 2006

I'm sorta depressed at the moment... looks as tho my surgery is not going to take place on the 27th... To much still needs to get done, and because of the holiday... the offices are closed on Thrusday  and Friday.. so the insurance company still has the paperwork.. the lady on the phone told me it could take up to 15 days for the process..and so.. the waiting game once again begins... I'm more then a little depressed.. I had it all worked out with my work.. and John's taking time off work.. etc.. OH WELL ... what can I do... :-(

I have an ANGEL!

Oct 30, 2006

Elizabeth (angelkissed:o) ) has agreed to be my angel!! I hope she knows what she's in for!!  *kidding!!* http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/angelkissedkids/

The Nut Cracker

Oct 27, 2006

Dr. Greene called me back yesterday.. I scheduled an appointment for Saturday November 4th.. at 4:00pm for my Psych. eval... I only spoke with him on the phone breifly.. but we were cracking up about his accent and my lack of one... His first comment to me when I answered the phone is.. " Where are you from, cause you are NOT from the south" .. I started laughing and said " Neither are you.. I hear a hint of NYC in your voice.. " He was funny... And so, my prayers for a swift and speedy pre-op time has been answered. THANK YOU ST JUDE! I'm shocked I'm not more nervous... I guess because I know it's the right thing for me.. I've prayed about it.. and things are running so smoothly.. I'm waiting for that BUMP IN THE ROAD thats going to throw a wrench in the mix.. BOY what a sunny outlook I have on life!!! Keep your fingers crossed Dr Greene doesn't send out for a straightjacket !!!


Oct 26, 2006

I have a date! NOVEMBER 27, 2006 !!! My consultation went extremely well... They only "tests" I have to have is the psych.  and blood work at my pre-op ... I'm SO GLAD about that.. the less poking and proding the better! I feel like I'm the member of some secret club now.. I'm smiling all the time now.. I'm so looking forward to starting this journey... I just feel like.. I want to unzip this fat body and let the real me OUT! Since all this started.. I've become more aware of my eating habits.. of course, it's always AFTER I've stuffed my face... but at least I'm becoming aware of it.. before, I wouldn't have thought twice... 

ANYWAY! I'm so excited about getting the ball rolling! I have mixed reviews from the ladies at work... My husband is my biggest supporter... The one person I dread telling is my sister Carina... Our relationship is a strange one.. We're sisters.. yet she raised me for the most part.. so she gives me her opinion from a mothers point of view.. not a supportive sister point of view... *sigh* ....  Until next time!

Last Nights Meeting

Oct 24, 2006

I met most of the ladies I've been "blogging" with these last few weeks. Kathy hosted a get together at her house.. had a wonderful time... and got a lot of questions I had answered... I felt so comfortable and welcome... I was amazed... in the past... when you get a bunch of women together.. I worry about.. what they are thinking about how big I am.. or, can I fit in that chair.. or.. are they judging me for what I'm putting in my mouth.. .but I didn't feel like that at ALL last night... I'm so greatful for this support system... Tomorrow morning is my first consultation with Dr R... I'm excited.. I just want to get this ball rolling!!!

Daily Grind Stuff

Oct 14, 2006

*Sept. 5, 2006*
I can see now, how I allowed my body and MIND to get this way. After eating dinner with my family.. (and when I say dinner I mean ... steak, baked potato with sour cream and cheddar-cheese with bacon bits and fresh baked rolls) ... not less then an hour after getting up from the table, I walked into the kitchen and got myself a nice slice of my sons birthday cake and slapped some ice cream on the plate and sat in front of the TV and ate. I wasn't hungry... I was bored.. I feel like I've failed my body... I've given up on "her" .... I'm getting excited about my first group meeting coming up on the 20th! I'm addicted to this web-site, I come here at least 5 times a day and look at before and after pictures... I'm amazed at the difference it's made in peoples lives. I am so thankful to those who have been brave enough to share their stories with the WORLD.. and I thank each of you for posting pictures!

** Things I want to be able to do **
1. CROSS MY LEGS (do you have any idea who un-lady like I feel because I can not cross my legs when sitting at a table!!)
2. Paint My Toes Nails!
3. Walk up the stairs without gasping for breath when I reach the top.
4. Learn to knee board. (we took the kids to the lake house this summer and all of them learned to knee board. I was to embarassed to even attempt it, there was NO WAY that boat was going to be able to pull me up out of the water so once again, I sat on the sidelines and made it look like I was a HAPPY CAMPER taking the pictures... while deep inside, I was crying... )
5. Go to the movies with my son and fit in the seat!
6. Enjoy ALL the positions sex has to offer.. (That's all the detail I'm going to go into on that subject!)
7. Wear an ankle braclet... I can't find ANY that fit me. :(
8. Wear a bathing suit without wearing a "cover" over it.. who do I think I'm kidding with that cover!
9. Wear sweaters in the winter... I'm so over weight, that I can't wear cute clothes.. and sweaters .. FORGET IT! I sweat so much, I would feel like it's smothering me...
10. Have a "SEXY LITTLE BLACK DRESS" in my closet that I know will fit me, and look good... I'm told every woman should have a little black dress!
MySpace Layouts

*Sept 12, 2006*
I'm getting excited about the up coming meeting on the 20th! I'm sitting here at work doing what I am addicted to doing! Reading profiles! Looking at Before & After pictures! This site has been so helpful and inspiring for me. While I was on break today, a few of us laldies were sitting around and one woman mentioned to me that 2 ladies at her church has WLS and they are both doing fantastic and look wonderful... So then the discussion turned to why I shouldn't go through with it.. and do I excerise at ALL? And if I just found a better diet plan.. yada yada yada.. There are only 2 women in the office whom support me.. I've tried all the diets.. I've tried the diet pills.. I've starved myself... NOTHING helps! I quit smoking on January 1, 2006. I have not had a cigarette since that date.. I did it without any medications... I just got a mindset to stop.. and I did... I wanted to, for health reasons... and what do I get in return for thinking of my health.. an extra 30 pounds added to my body!!! I'm just going to ignore the comments of those who don't support me... and cherish those who do... My husband is behind me 100%.. He is such a wonderful man... He told me if I do this, I need to do this for myself.. and for noone else, because he loves me just the way I am... *sigh* GOD I LOVE THAT MAN... I just don't feel attractive anymore. I want to get healthy! My hips hurt.. my ankles swell... I have headaches all the time.. I'm out of breath... tired all the time... It's time... I need to make this committment to myself.. I know it's a life long committment... I owe it to myself.. Until next time...
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*Sept. 14, 2006*
Well...I have decided to meet with the surgeon I had read a few bad reviews about. I had an appointment scheduled for tonight, with Dr. Bour..and wasn't going to go because some of the reviews written about him were not very nice. But after talking with my husband, I've decided to meet him and get my OWN impression. I'm still going to go to the meeting on the 20th with Dr. Ross.. I want to meet both and see which one I perfer... I've been sorta "giddy" all morning... I guess because it's starting to sink in that I'm going to take control of my life, and DO THIS! My hips are killing me today.. my right one hurts all the time... I can't even lift my legs to slip into my "granny panties" anymore.. it hurts so much! I know my blood pressure is high, I can feel it... Well.. enough complaining.. I'm so excited about going tonight and getting things ROLLING!
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*Sept 21, 2006*
Well I've now met with both the Dr's I was considering using. I like certain things about each of them.... I was a bit put off by Dr. Bour's "extra" charges of $2,500.00 which has to be paid to his clinic before surgery. Dr. Ross seem's very nice, he's very low-key and brought up things Dr. Bour didn't. Since I'm new to South Carolina.. (moved here a little over a year ago from Georgia) ... I need to check with my new PCP and see if he would give me a recommendation... He hasn't seen me for any weight related issues.. ANYWAY... According to Dr. Ross, we have to have 6 weeks of supervised weightloss attempts... My insurance company only requires that "attempts at weight loss have failed" and.. " patient has been obese for 5 consective years" .. so I'm covered from what I gather... I'll keep
you posted!
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*Sept. 23, 2006*
I've done A LOT of reading and read all the reviews for all the Dr's in my insurance plan... I came across a profile from a woman who lives here in Greenville. After reading her profile, I was glad to see someone else felt as I did about Dr. Bour... I've decided to attend another Dr's seminar... Dr.Rowitz.. he's in Anderson, which is about 45 minutes away from where I live, but from what I can gather, his practice is smaller.. and when I called and spoke to a woman there, she was SO SO SWEET... I'm waiting for them to call me back with a seminar date... I've read nothing but good things about Dr. Rowitz..For my own personal reasons, I've decided against going forward with Dr. Ross... 2 things that happened in his seminar stuck with me.. odd how that works.. but I just want to make the most informed choice.. so this will be the 3rd Dr I've seen... Hell.. I didn't take this much time to pick out my second husband.. I met him online... we talked on the phone for a few days... agreed to meet in person... hit it off.. and after that date, on my drive home, I called my sister and told her I had just met the man I was going to marry.. She of course busted out laughing.. But.. I felt what I felt.. Poor John didn't stand a chance! We're still together... he's my bestfriend.. my soulmate and the love of my life.. There isn't a day that goes by that this man does not make me laugh! .... OK I got a little off track there... ANYWAY.. I'll keep you posted on this 3rd Dr.!!!
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*Sept 25, 2006*
Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, of that particular privilege give to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly – With this WLS decision. Help me get through this process. Give me the strength to be patient with the process. Help me find the surgeon who is right for me. I need this surgery as I feel my health slipping- And that I may praise GOD with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. AMEN * www.stjude.org *
!! UP-DATE 25 Sept. 2006 !! I just received a call from Dr. Rowitz's office, I am scheduled for his seminar on the 11 of October! That's the second person from his office that I've spoken with, they are so sweet there... ANYWAY.. just wanted to update.. THANK YOU ST. JUDE! For prayers answered!
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*06 Oct 2006*
I attended Dr. Rowitz's classes last night. I really enjoyed it... The speaker was very interesting... it didn't last as long as I thought it was going to... I got to say a quick hello to Dr. R as I was leaving.. he seems like a very nice man.. he was interacting with the class and seems to have a great sense of humor... which is a huge PLUS with me .. as I tend to be a smart ass! ANYWAY.. now I just have to wait to attend his seminar on the 11th.. I have decided that once I attend this one.. I've got to make a decision...
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About Me
Greer, SC
Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 48
Been a while!
WOW.. it's been a while!
And another 2 pounds GONE forever!
It's been a while....
Double WOW moment!!
Daily Grind
My 1 year anniversary !
Another 2 GONE!
