
Oct 02, 2012

You never have to take another drink of alcohol. You never have to smoke another cigarette. Unfortunately, you can not never eat again. The struggles of a food addict...Down almost 80 lbs, it's still a struggle everyday: to watch television with all the food shows/commercials, to go out to eat or social events with your friends/family, or even just to sit in your home by yourself. If you have ever been an emotional eater or used food for comfort, it can be damn near torture. WLS is just a tool in a long journey to improve health and well-being. It kills me when people say (and they will!) that you're taking the easy way out. Nothing about this is easy! From the stresses of preparing for surgery with insurance and learning about your life changes, to the depression you face when food is no longer an option for you as anything other than sustenance. And for me as someone who loves to cook for people even when I can't really eat the food myself because it will cause discomfort? Or knowing that your hair is falling out because you're not getting enough protein when that's all you eat!?! This is a lifelong journey and a blessing that you can't take for granted for one day because it's only what you make of it...I'm blessed that I had a good surgeon, supportive friends and family, and an outlet to share my feelings...wouldn't it just be easier to never have to eat another bite??


60 lbs!!

Jul 27, 2012

A lot has changed in the last few months...of course, I'm down 60 lbs now. BUT, I broke up with my boyfriend right before surgery because I really didn't feel his support and was terrified of doing it that way. The first of June, I moved to a new city (from a city I've lived in for all 39 years of my life!) and started a new job!  I've not been this happy in a long time!! I'm looking for a new "friend" but nothing serious right now; still working on ME! I'm starting to like myself and feel strong. I need to work out more but I'm doing good on what I put in: mostly protein! lol

...still have a way to go


Apr 18, 2012

I had heard my tastes would change but now I believe.  Before I had surgery, my favorite drink was Sobe Lifewater: no calories or artificial  First day post op, it took me an entire day to drink one 20 oz bottle. I couldn't stand the taste.  Since I started full liquids, the only thing I can stand to sip on is plain water.  Milk with my chocolate protein powder is too sweet. Vanilla greek yogurt is too sweet. Sugar free pudding is too sweet. BUT THIS IS ALL I CAN EAT RIGHT NOW.
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one day post

Apr 11, 2012

I had laproscopic rny yesterday; home about 24 hours later. Felt great after but when the anesthesia wore completely off, I was really sore from all the walking. I took some liquid pain meds today but it made me very nauseated. It's always been hard for me to take narcotics without something on my stomach. Sure am missing that PCA pump tonight; very sore in the abdomin. almost like I have done too many crunches. But other than that, I'm doing well and feel blessed to have all the support I've had and being home so soon. Now, just to get those liquids in

need photo help

Apr 01, 2012

Since I'm so close to surgery date, I wanted to take a good "before" photo. I'm planning on tracking progress each month but I don't know how to merge the photos to side by side. Is there a special program I need or can I just do it with an office application or windows photo thingy? I've been looking through them and I'm not sure. Any help is apprecited :)


Mar 28, 2012

13 days til surgery!!! I had a weigh in with my doc yesterday; he was ok with everything and I'm a go for 4/10. I have pre-op labs and stuff on 4/3.  Today I went and paid my deductable and 20%; ugh, hated to let that money go but I considered it an investment.  I'm feeling all kinds of stuff right now. The nervous is kind of overriding the excited but I'd do it tomorrow if they would let me :)

31 days...

Mar 10, 2012

ready to start my new life!!

funny fat story. not really but I had to laugh!

Feb 28, 2012

I was sitting on the couch with my love. I started to hoist myself up to go to the restroom. All of a sudden, the tv channel changed. I said, "baby, why did you change the channel?".  He said, "I didn't baby, maybe your ass did! (we always joke around about me sitting on things and not even noticing)". I started looking all around underneath me trying to find the remote. It was no where!! Then, worst thing. He pointed to under my fat roll, there was the remote poking out. It was under my fat roll and I had no idea!!! I was mortified! But a few seconds later, when the ridiculousness of it hit me, I roflmao!!! I told my friend today at work (who's having the lapband soon); only she could appreciate it as much as me. She almost pee'd on herself!! As funny as it was, can't say that I'll miss things like that

can't wait...

Feb 23, 2012

too be able to cross my play softball not feel like the fattest person on the turn heads instead of being walk around the block without my shin splints screaming at wear this beautiful sundress I just bought, a size play golf again...I'm sure there will be more to come

The first day of the rest of my life!

Jan 30, 2012

I have my date scheduled: April 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone know how to put that on my profile? I'm looking at all the settings and I can't figure out how to do it??

Yay ME!!!
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About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 23, 2011
Member Since

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