
Sep 06, 2007

Had my Psych Eval today.  She was very nice but I found some of the things she said interesting.  She seemed to be a bit concerned that I considered myself an emotional overeater.  Is anyone naturally over 300lbs?  I would think that most people who are morbidly obese eat for emotional reasons.  She felt that as someone who has dealt with depression before, I should consider the Lap Band.  Her thoughts were that because the weight loss process is slower with the band, it would give me time to deal with the emotions that come up and I would be less overwhelmed.  Interesting point.  I'm still trying to decide between the band, sleeve or by-pass.  I guess I don't have to really make up my mind for a while, so I'll continue to collect information and pray about it.  She also recommended some books that I'm excited about reading. 

Next appointments will be mid-September for the endoscopy and nutritionist.  If all is well, surgery still looks good for end of October !


Aug 30, 2007

My husband and I went to Dr. Morton's informational seminar at Standford last night.  I went in with a goal of deciding what type of surgery (Roux-en-Y or Lap Band) would be best for me and left with a third option (Sleeve).  I also got some good information about nutrition following the surgery, which was a concern.  I mean, how do you get enough nutrients if you only have a 2oz stomach??  I got the impression that for the first 6 months, I'll be more obsessed with food than ever.  I'm glad I have my husband around!

More impressions of Dr. Morton and the Stanford team....
I felt he had a genuine concern for obese people and the health effects of obesity.  His presentation was very good.  I'm obviously not a doctor but he convinced me that he knows what he's doing and likes what he does.  I think he even laughed once.  The other 50 people there interested in the surgery were in various stages of the journey.  Their questions were very good and helped me.  The staff at Stanford was also impressive.  Meg, the nurse coordinator, had the surgery a number of years back herself.  

So now, I have some work to do.  I need to contact my insurance again and verify that this surgery is covered!  I've done this before, but after the seminar, I feel that I need to do it again!  Also, I'm going back on Jenny Craig until the surgery.  I need to get used to smaller portions right now.  

I'm still excited about everything.  They ended the program with before/after pictures of some of Dr. Morton's patients and a video done by one of them.  The hope in the room was palpable! 

Getting started!!

Aug 24, 2007


Now that someone has helped me figure this thing out (thanks, Goddesspa!), I can start posting!!  Yea!!  I feel like it's a confirmation that I'm on my way.  I have all three of the requirements my doctor has given me scheduled, which was a chore itself.  Within the next 4 weeks, I will meet the nutritionist, get a psych exam, and have an endoscopy.  I expect those things will go well and I am really hoping the tentative surgery date of October 30, 2007 will hold up.  Pray for me!!

About Me
Pleasanton, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 03, 2005
Member Since

Friends 26

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What a year!
