Infected incision site & Horse pills (LOL)

Feb 08, 2014

I had to go to the doctor yesterday, one of my incision sites is infected. Luckily it wasn't bad enough to reopen the site. I'm on antibiotics and they said it's fairly common with the left side incision since that's where they do most of the pulling etc. It really isn't that painful but I didn't want to take any chances. It's red, heated and hard as a rock (about the size of a tangerine), can't be too careful. The other sites are really looking amazing- I told someone earlier, the human body is a miracle, it really is. The site where they had the sypon thingy is barely even noticeable now and it was an open HOLE when I left the hosipital on Sunday. In addition to that I have 5 incision sites and all but the one is healing wonderfully. Truly miraculous = Today, I did 35 minutes on the bicycle and I could have done more but time was short. I WANTED to do more. That's a good feeling. 

BTW - what's up with all the horse pills..geesh! In class we learned our pills needed to be less than the size of an M&M but literally none of the pills I take are that small. My calcium pill,which I take twice a day, has to be broken into 3 bits to get it to the size of an M&M. Although, I now have gone to crushing it and putting it in my food - nice trick, I recommend it. The antibiotic pill I got yesterday is double the size of my calcium pill - I had to laugh. You'll be happy to know that I came off 3 medications the day I went into the hospital and I have already cut my insulin intake by nearly 65%. It's working........wooo hoooo! 



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