My GI Clearance

Sep 29, 2017

I went to the GI for my clearance on the 19th of September and got back the result and everything came back okay. I have a very tiny hernia but he said is not at all alarming in fact they won't even remove it. So I'm finally done with GI onto the next study.

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My Pulmonary Visit

Sep 22, 2017

On September 15, 2017 I went to Pulmonary for a consultation for clearance. I was told I needed to get a Chest X-ray, PFT and a Sleep Study. I was a bit upset because I have heard that unless you are having symptoms of some sort or a history you will have to due a sleep study. I know about 5 people who weighed more and did have to get it done. He told me that because I am overweight he did want me to do it but it seem to me like he just wanted me to do it because at one point he says well I can clear you but partially I was like no I'll do it. So now I will have it done tonight 09/22/2017 they will be picking me up after 8PM and dropping me off at home after 6AM. Can I just say I am a bit excited I feel like I am getting a little getaway lol no let me stop. Anywho I did my PFT and Chest X-ray 09/21/2017. Next Friday 09/29/2017 will be the next pulmonary visit for results and clearance. Hopefully and God willing everything will be just fine.


My Final Support Group

Sep 14, 2017

I went to my last support group and I'm done with. This time around there was three WLS patients telling us their experience and answering questions. I really liked it. I will be going back. Two more specialty visits and I am done. So yeahhhh excited!!! Will keep updated on the progress even after surgery.


My Final Psychological Evaluation

Sep 14, 2017

SO I had my final evaluation this week and got cleared for surgery. Dr. said he feels I would benefit from surgery and I couldn't agree more. I am so happy. I was called from my surgeoms office to know where am at on the Pre-req list. The doctor was very nice, very understanding asked me more questions so at the end he said he faxed the letter and I'm done with Psych. Feeling super excited!!! 



Sep 11, 2017

So the nght before after 9 PM I did not have anything to eat. They said after 12 AM NPO. So went by myself because of course don't really have anyone there for me to go with. Husband works can't have two people miss work like that. Got there at 8:30 AM was the 3rd person to go in and got registered. Before going in was told that my husband needed to confirm he was going to pick me up so had to come out early. Mind you I was gong to just take a cab and have him pick up my car where ever I parked but no they have rules. I went in shortly the doctor went to get me gave me this liquid to drink disgusting and then they put me to sleep. They did it I don't remember when I woke up ended up in the recovery room and was asked if I wanted something to eat. I do remeber the doctor saying everything went well as soon as I was waking up but I was woozy. They gave me the results and was told to get dressed and go back until my husband pick me up personally. WHAT!?!? LOL for a moment I felt like a kid but I know it was safety. So I appreciated that and were extremely nice medical staff. Found out I have a Hiatal Hernia and Mild Erythematous Mucosa of the Antrum which one can be repaired in the VSG surgery A+ for that and the other one waiting on the biopsies results. Hopefully nothing major and easy fix. Honestly I don't want that to delay my surgery. They said it takes about a week for results and then I am good to go and get cleared. So I guess I have to wait for this. I do have a scheduled appontment by the end of the month but calling next week to get the results not waiting all that time. No need to wait that long they are actually pretty good with giving next day appts. Tomorrow I have the second Psych and suppot group and I am done with those two. After that Pulmonary this friday and then Nutritionist. Yayyyyyyy One step closer!!! Can't wait for the day I get to say in a post "My Surgery"!!  :-))


My Cardiology

Sep 11, 2017

Let's just say I'm cleared. Went in not knowing what the outcome would be or what to expect. My doctor couldn't clear me because she is not a cardiologist so she said I needed clearance from the specialist. Went in registered pretty quicly myself let me just add. An iPad and my finger and boom registered. lol Vitals taken, EKG done everything within normal limits. Was asked a couple of questions such as walking a distance how far I can go, breathing, any heart palpitation, if I ever did a stress test, etc, etc, etc. He was more intrigue with me having endometriosis surgery one with abdominal repair back to back 2015/2016. We spoke about that. He said he wasn't going to get in the way I have a healthy heart and just like that I was cleared. Happy camper here. Up next Endoscopy, Pulmonology, one more support group, one more pych and nutrition and off I go to get cleared by my medical provider in October! 

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My Research

Sep 07, 2017

When I decided to go with WLS I started looking up YouTube videos and I probably did about six seminars educating myself about weight loss surgery. I search things I needed to know about it pre-op and post-op. I joined Bariatric forums and Facebook group pages all from the different surgeries to what to eat before and especially after and all excersing after surgery. To hear other people tell their stories from what made them decide to how it's been afterwards has made me push harder for this knowing I am not alone out there makes me take a deep breath and release. I often see people say ten thing the knew before or after surgery yet to me is like if you didn't know well it was lack of research. I started this journey on July and I'm still learning.


Psychological Evaluation/PCP

Sep 05, 2017

So I went to my psych eval today and let me just say it wasn't why I thought it would be. I did like 6 pages a total of 62 questions. The Dr. Robins was a really nice psychologist who ask me a few other questions and was like yes I see you being a success and he cleared me right away. He did diagnose me with depression due to weight. He believes once I do surgery and lose the weight I will no longer feel the way I do and I agree. Only downside due to me having Fidelis I would have to see him one more time which I was scheduled for next Tuesday and I'm okay with it. My coordinator said she never heard of Fidelis asking for 2 psych but whatever. I'm not mad at it. Also I had my doctors appointment today and she referred me out to cardio and pulmonary because she said they are the only ones that can clear yet I don't have any condition related to those specialties. So little pissed because they're appointments are in October and really wanted to be done by my next visit to my PCP which is the first week of October. So I am going to see if I find another specialist at another place..... Friday is my endoscopy can't wait hoping everything goes well with them.


My First Support Group

Aug 30, 2017

So yesterday I went to my first support group and it was good not what I thought it would be. I imagine more interaction and more people supporting eachother. The person conducting the group was awesome she made me feel good listening to her showing what our stomach look now verses after surgery. What we like and might not like. What proteins are good what shakes are good and if any one can recommend vitamins they use. Just basically all my research I have dont online. I will continue to go I need one more per requirements but I think I will continue afterwards because honestly speaking I have no type of support in my life other then this forum and BariatricPal forum. Which let me just add that they are so helpful to me. If I can be honest I felt a little sad in the seminar and support group where I seen husbands, wifes and friends there supporting the person going through this and I felt so alone. It sucks but hey I am doing this for me. That is all that matter.  


My First Consultation

Aug 28, 2017

So I went to my first consultation last week with Dr. Kini from Mount Sinai St Luke's in NY and I am excited to say that I will be going forward with WLS. We have decided to go with VSG and I had my consultation with the Gastroenterology the following day and scheduled my endoscopy for Sept 8th. I scheduled my Psych eval for Sept 4th. I have a support group tomorrow and then I have to pick another day in Sept for the second group. I have 2 appointments coming up with my PCP in Sept and October and God willing I will be set for October. So I was terminated from Healthfirst on July 31. Found out on 08/02 called back and was given Medicaid for the month of August and then enrolled to Fidelis starting Sept but then found out that with Fidelis you would have to do the 6 month diet and I have been dieting and on this weight loss journey since 2005. 12 years of trying of yo-yo dieting, of fluctuating in weight and feeling depressed and honestly speaking I didn't want to wait another 6 months. So I switch and all I need is 1 visit with my provider and a few requirements. Hopefully when I see him in October I will be scheduled for my surgery. He said I will have to lose from here till October around 5 to 10 lbs. I am currently 255 with no Co-morbidity with a BMI of 42.5 something like that. I have to be over 40 to get approve so that's why I think he is not fussing with me losing an X amount of weight. I'm nervous but definitely ready for this. I did my blood work the same day and they told me when I go in October I will see the Nutritionist and that is it. I need 2 letter from my provider one from her (letter of necessity) and one clearing me from cardio and pulmonary. I am wondering though if I need to see those specialist or would she be able to provide those letters to me. I guess next week I will see. So yea that's all they are asking weird I hear a lot of people do sleep study but I wasn't. I will call to make sure I do not want to go in October and then prolong it even more because they forgot.


About Me
Bronx, NY
Surgery Date
Aug 09, 2017
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