Winters coming and surgery still isn't....

Oct 30, 2009

Well I wasn't going to write this month because nothing has changed but i feel to keep my blog updated so that when i look back at thoughts and feelings there will be an accurate account of whats going on. So whats new? Lets see, so far since my last writing, i've had a pulled muscle that radiated pain down my left arm, very, very painful. I wasn't able to function much or sleep in my own bed for weeks. It took like 4 1/2 weeks to get almost back to normal and man that was tough. so during that whole thing i got good and mad at myself and started the Atkins. This happened during two days of complete loss of appetite so i figured i might as well help myself in the process. I stuck to it very well for 5 weeks and lost 21lbs. Now however, after a rough week with Jonathans grammy in the CCU dying and missing auntie marj, i have been returning to normal eating and am to chicken to weigh myself. If i could only maintain during the down times i could continue where i left off at anytime. However it would seem that if I'm not dieting and losing then i seem to be gaining. so there you have it another sad story this month.
Don't get me wrong and think it was all this way, we continue to see Gods blessing and favor throughout all this other stuff. we had a couple of miracles, the first was two weeks ago when i had what I assumed was a bladder infection and a lot of pain in my abdomen right down to my lower parts and i'd never had one so i was guessing. I didn't want to go and wait at the hospital just to do a pee test! so i called my dr.s office and she had worked all night on call at the hospital and wasn't taking patients that day so she told me to go to the after hours clinic. I didn't have a sitter and so i asked what about getting me in tomorrow? She asked what was wrong and said hold on one minute. After just a moment on hold the secretary came on and said how far away are you and i said 5 min, she said the Dr. is in doing paperwork and come right down and she will see you. I was in and out in 10 minutes and got a flu shot, a tetnis shot and medecine for my infection. Now i call that a miracle!!! So the second miracle happened one week later, Shanice had a bad toothache and an infection filled bubble in her mouth next to a tooth we had fixed a year ago. so I kept her home on monday because she was in a lot of pain the night before and finally at 11pm daddy prayed and didn't stop until shanice felt some relief. he got a bit bold with God i thought but God came through and she finally fell asleep 10 min after fininshing prayer. not only that but she slept all night and it didn't hurt in the morning, no pain. so we stopped into our dentist on monday am and they got us in so quick ahead of everyone that i hardly could believe it. also on top of that, the dentist did x rays and said it was severely abcessed and that it was either a root canal or pull it. We had an orthodontist appt the next day so the dentist said to keep it and ask him what to do. Then the dentist said i'm not going to charge you for this visit and let me take the x ray to the orthodontist to show him. wow i would say that was a miracle. we got to the orthodontist and he did his own xrays anyway for braces and told me to go ahead and pull that tooth and 3 others to balance it and he said it would actually have a better effect on the outcome of the braces and improve her profile and also we could skip the expander because of that. so we have an appt to get braces on in january. we prayed for finances to pay for it and i believe God will give us creative ideas for that as well. so my final statement is the God is good all the time.

Fall almost

Sep 01, 2009

I am trying to keep a blog posted once a month for when I look back after my surgery to see how i felt and what i delt with.  I am watching all my friends on the message boards, (they just don't know they are my friends, Hee hee) as they get their phone calls and start their liquid boost and have their sugeries. I am so excited for their second chance at life and health. Meanwhile I heard through the board that Dr. Savoie will be training his staff for the DS surgeries this year and then actually starting surgeries in the new year. That is all I want for christmas to have my surgery and get going. Shanice seems bothered lately because I can't do things with her. This summer was really hard and she wanted me to do everything with her and basically I couldn't do anything. Wow what a mess I got myself into. So now I need this surgery so I can do things with my kids and my hubby. This morning as I drove to babysit for Joan I was daydreaming about what my life will be like after and I was so excited to begin. Simple things like walking, running, going on rides at fairs and believe it or not crossing my legs, not worrying about what chair I sit in, so many things I want to do.  As for Jonathan and I wow we have the greatest marriage, not even exaggerating(spelling?) but we could have so much more fun when I lose weight. He is a TKD black belt and very active, so I'd love to do active things with him. My day is coming I believe it for sure!! Bye for now blog, thanks for listening and not judging

August and vacation!

Aug 09, 2009

August is here and I am in PEI, on vacation, for a few days. I just may write a message every month until my surgery.  The summer is slowly going by and honestly I can't say that I feel bad about it this year. I believe it has been the hardest summer of my life. If you've never gone through the emotions and difficulties of a grossly obese person then you have no idea what I mean but for those of you who have you understand what I am referring to. Just so we are clear there are not only the things big people deal with but also the frustration of feeling like you got here because of many bad descisions and choices and that you completely blame yourself so there is guilt on top of everything else. Anyhow that is my venting for now and so it is time for some positive words.
I am so thankful for my healthy family. My three beautiful kids and my hot husband!!! So I definitely have incentives to lose this weight and become healthy and happy. God has blessed me in my 35 years and again I am so thankful.
We are having fun in PEI in a beautiful 3 bedroom condo with my sister and family who are from Ontario. My sister had gastric bypass two years ago and lost 210 pounds. She is maintaining for now without to much effort and still never feels hungry after two years.
Anyhow bye for now my oh blog and hopefully things will be looking up for us DSers who are waiting for our turn for weightloss surgery. Please hurry Dr. Savoie and have your staff trained for DS surgery, we are waiting ..............

Time Goes On....

Jul 15, 2009

So here it is the middle of July already and time goes on. I am hoping and praying that this is my last summer as a very obese woman. As far as what is happening with my surgeon, he is still doing the lapband surgeries or will be continuing them once he gets done his summer vacation. As I understand it, he will be sending his nursing staff to Quebec for intensive training on the Duodenal Switch surgery in the fall. I am so glad to hear that because it is so different from the lapband and other surgeries, much more invasive and the hospital care will be so different as we stay in the hospital for a week after surgery, so I am praying that I have surgery before christmas this year. Anyway I find myself restless because what I can do is limited and a bit irritated as well because I got myself into this mess by eating to much and not being active enough.

A New Beginning....

Jun 17, 2009

So here we are with a weight loss surgeon in Bathurst, NB. New hope finally. I was on Dr. Beausoleils list in Dieppe for over 2 years already and had still not had a first appointment with him so when I heard about Dr. Savoie I was so excited and quickly got a referral sent from my Dr. Within weeks I had my first consult with him on October 23, 08. Because of my preferences and the need for a drastic change and my size, I decided on the Duodenal Switch surgery. Since researching it on the internet I haven't had one doubt that it was the surgery for me. Also the outlook for the future 5 years and further is better with that surgery, less chance of regain. I am so over dieting for a fix to a permanent problem. I am praying that this will be the change that helps me to fit into my active and healthy family. After almost 16 years of marriage to an awesome  and understanding man and a weight battle for just as long, it is time for a change. My three children will benefit just as much with a happier mom who can bike and run with them. So at 35 years old and 360lbs, you have heard my dreams for the future.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2009
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 15
