Victoria P. 21 years, 11 months ago

Just a big THANK YOU! I went by Jackie's surgery page and saw that many of you have left her notes of good wishes. I know Jackie will appreciate them so much! As for an update on her husband, no news today. I'm not too worried, Jackie is busy traveling 170 miles to and from the hospital each day to be by his side. She cannot possibly call me each day to give me an update. BUT,she has promised to call if anything changes. I will surely update all of you if I hear any news. Please continue to keep both Jackie and Tony in your prayers and thoughts and keep the good wishes coming thier way. Thanks so much!

Karen N. 21 years, 11 months ago

best wishes and lots of prayers for you and your DH-

Melony R. 21 years, 11 months ago

I'm so sorry about your husband...I hope and pray that you both will be fine. Take care of yourself. I will keep you two in my prayers.

Angela H. 21 years, 11 months ago

God bless you I hope all gets better with your situations. My family will pray for you both.

Sandy T. 21 years, 11 months ago

Jackie, you have many prayers sent your way. I cannot imagine the worry you must have. I pray that everything will be alright for both of you.

Suzanne M. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Jackie...there are no words to describe the worrying you must be doing...I am sending you good thougths and prayers for your husband's speedy recovery. Hang in there and know we are thinking of you!

Victoria P. 21 years, 11 months ago

*Good thoughts needed!* My angel Jackie, who had her surgery a few weeks ago is in need of prayers. Her husband, Tony, had the surgery a few weeks after Jackie and has been in ICU since. He developed a leak and shortness of breath and had to have emergency surgery. He remains on a vent and cannot breathe on his own. It's hard enough to go through recovery from this surgery when all is well, but now she is recovering while sitting in a hospital worried to death about her dear husband. Please just take a moment to say a little pray to yourself, a quick good thought sent thier way, or a short note on her surgery page. It would mean a lot. Thanks for your kindness.

Tina P. 21 years, 11 months ago

Jackie, I'm glad to hear you are doing well and I'll be praying for your husband and hope he gets well soon.

Victoria P. 21 years, 11 months ago

**Hi everyone, I'm requesting your prayers*** My angelette(and my angel too) Jackie had her surgery a few weeks ago and is doing great..BUT her dear husband, Tony, had his surgery on Tuesday and is not doing so well. He is in SICU today, was rushed back into surgery last night with a leak. The possibility of a pulmonary embolism still exists, since he was having sever shortness of breath yesterday. PLEASE, they are both wonderful people and Jackie is obviously so worried right now about him, send her your well wishes! Let's all pray he comes out of this with flying colors, he was so helpful to Jackie in her recovery only a few short weeks ago. I will update when I know more. Thank you so much.

Angela G. 22 years ago

Speedy recover to ya.. sorry to hear about the uncaring nurses.. betcha the DH will take much better care of ya... some of them are good for that... Brightest Blessings....
About Me
toms river, nj
Surgery Date
Apr 08, 2002
Member Since
