jay B. 23 years, 4 months ago

OK 17 MORE HOURS, WOW IT IS GETTING CLOSE NOW. I now am finding myself a little nervous, excited, cant wait to get to the otherside. I want to say THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGING WORDS. It has truely been a blessing to have so many of you here that really care about me. It is so wonderful and rejoyceful to find true caring loyal friends. and this I found with you guys. I am going to miss not have a computer ( darn now i wish I had a laptop one)while in the hospital to keep in touch. I am so glad that I saw the posting of JOE FROST, Joe if you ever get to read this just hang in there you have come a long way, I know it seems hard now, but just hang on I know that GOD has a beautiful plan for you that is just around the corner. I will still be praying for you. May GOD be a part of each and everyone of you and help you deal with all the little obstickels (oops I cant spell much)that get in your way. much love you all. This will be my last posting until I return home. but my ANGEL AND SAM will keep you all posted. love you, and god bless Jay Biller

Martha H. 23 years, 4 months ago

Just wanted to again wish you luck and let you know I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. I'm sure you will do great! Your friend, Martha

Terri G. 23 years, 4 months ago

Jay, Just wanted to let you know..I am thinking of you daily and praying for you as always...much love, Terri (ps: YOU are going to do great my friend!)

Susan M. 23 years, 4 months ago

Good luck Jay on your big day. You will do wonderfully. I will follow soon on the 30th and expect you to tell me everything!! Keep a positive outlook and a smile on your face and you will be FINE!!

Belinda S. 23 years, 4 months ago

My thoughts on prayers are with you for your surgery and wish you a speedy recovery.

PeggyF 23 years, 5 months ago

Best of luck to you Jay!! I'm awaiting news from insurance co.--hope to join you on the "other side" real soon!!

Jenny N. 23 years, 5 months ago

Hi Jay, sorry about the other, I hit return my mistake. Just wanted to wish you luck. May God be with you and just remember to keep your faith strong. My date is the 24th and I'm starting to get reallll nervous but I know that my faith will see me thru. And we can begin a truely wonderful life.

Jenny N. 23 years, 5 months ago

LINDA C. 23 years, 5 months ago

Hi Jay -- May your surgery go wonderful and your pains be few. My prayers will be with you during you surgery on the 15th. I am going to be Alice Ware's angel on the 15th also. She is having surgery in Detroit. I will keep you both in my prayers.

Teri D. 23 years, 5 months ago

Jay, just wanted to stop by to say we will all be thinking of you on your day and I'm sure everything will be just fine. Heal fast so as you can come back to tell us all about your sucess story.
About Me
manassas, va
Surgery Date
Oct 22, 2000
Member Since
