Cinna G. 22 years, 1 month ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to you! I hope that this post finds you healthier and happier than ever. Please remember to post to your profile so that others can follow along on this amazing journey. After all, you never know who you might inspire. Have a great day today!

Connie B. 23 years, 1 month ago

This is probably the last update you'll see from me, Karen's Angel!! That's because, are you all ready for this.......SHE'S HOME AND DOING GREAT!!!! Thank you all for your prayers and notes to Karen. The "extended" family for WLS patients is a great network and pretty powerful. I'm sure Karen will now keep her profile up to date, right Karen??? I still might "chime in" from time to time to sing her praises. I've been very proud to say that I'm her "Angel" and in true "Angel" fashion, I'll still hang around in the future. We all need "Angels", right? Everyone have a great day!

candy C. 23 years, 1 month ago


Connie B. 23 years, 1 month ago

GREAT NEWS!!! Our friend Karen is off the ventilator and feeling much much better!!!! Thank you all for your prayers! I know that Karen appreciates it very much. She's not exactly burning up the hallways yet walking, but I'm sure she's gonna be able to start getting around soon. I'm going to try to get up this weekend and see her so I will post more information as soon as I get it.

Connie B. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hi all! I saw Karen B. on Tuesday evening. Although there hasn't been a big change, there are some small changes. She is now breathing on her own but still has the ventilator tube inserted. The doctor is going to try and remove the tube today. Please keep Karen in your prayers that everything goes okay. She will continue to be in ICU for a few more days but hopefully by this weekend she will be able to be moved out of ICU and into a regular room. Fingers are crossed!! Thank you to everyone that has written and continue to say prayers for Karen. I know she appreciates every one of you and so does her family. More later!!

Connie B. 23 years, 1 month ago

This is Karen's angel, Connie Bradley. Unfortunately, Karen is still having problems breathing and is still in ICU. She is apparently holding a great deal of water and they have had to leave the ventilator in since surgery. Whenever they attempt to remove it, she has problems. The doctors are hoping if they can get the water out of her system, they will have a better chance of removing the ventilator and then hopefully, Karen will be on the road to recovery! Your prayers and thoughts would be greatly appreciated for Karen!

Marilyn B. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hi Karen! I was so glad to read you had your surgery and that you're doing great. Keep that smile and God Bless!!

Connie B. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hi all! I just got home from the hospital. It's been a long day. Karen was in real good spirits. Looked a little tired but I'm sure she was ready to get at it!! Check in went very smooth and finally around 1:10 they wheeled her off to the operating room. You know the old adage, if something will go wrong it will!! Dr. Inman's office couldn't find the results of the pulmonary test that Karen had taken. Anyway, they finally succeeded in getting hold of Dr. Roudebush (sp?) and his office faxed it direct to the Bariatric Center and they came down with it! Karen was a real champ!! Didn't seem nervous (think the rest of us were more nervous than she was!!). It was around 3:45 or so that Dr. Inman came up and said that everything had went very well. They had to take Karen's gall bladder out. As a matter of fact, I believe she probably gets the honor (at least according to Dr. Inman) of the worst gall bladder Dr. Inman had ever seen!!! So not only does Karen now have a new tummy, she also is less one gall bladder!! Probably a very good thing!! There was some concern with Karen's breathing mainly because since she was already on oxygen, they had her on a ventilator in recovery. The decision was finally made to leave her on it until tomorrow to let her gain a little more breathing capacity. Dr. Inman and the nurses all said though that Karen's vital signs are excellent and she is a "trooper"!! (But then we knew that too!!!) From all indications right now though, Karen will probably be in ICU for a couple days. When I left the hospital, Darrel (her DH) had been in to see her but she was still pretty groggy. He said she has good color, better than he anticipated. Please keep Karen in your prayers right now....I would sure appreciate it and I know her family would really appreciate it too.

Scott L. 23 years, 1 month ago

Karen, I will be praying for you....I know we will both do great with this TOOL. We will reach our goals together, I wont be far behind you. GOD will keep you say.. See you soon Scott

S P. 23 years, 1 month ago

Karen, My thoughts and prayers are with you during your journey. Good luck on your new life.
About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Dec 02, 2000
Member Since
