kylakae 20 years, 11 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="161" height="202"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#008080" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, LaNora! Isn't it amazing how fast the time flies by? I hope that you are doing fabulous, that all your dreams are coming true and that you are living life to the max!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Suzanne J. 23 years, 10 months ago

LaNora, I just want to wish you the best of luck. I know at first you will wonder if it is worth it. But trust me, I am 6 1/2 weeks post and it was the best decision I could have ever made. I am now down 37 pounds! Again, GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND I HOPE THIS NOTE FINDS YOU WELL.

Glenda E. 23 years, 11 months ago

LaNora, Just wanted to say my prayers are with you and I hope all is going well. Hang in there. Glenda

Robyn P. 23 years, 11 months ago

Hi LaNora, I am so glad you are doing well. It will be good to have you back soon. I am writing you from music camp. I got to play handbells for the first time this morning. It is my favorite new thing to do. It keeps my mind off of the fact that I have to wait for my other new life. But I am satisfied and happy so I decided I would start my new life before my surgery. Then I will have practice. Have a restful few more days to heal. Love,

Kelly B. 23 years, 11 months ago

LaNora, congratulations! Hope you are home soon, we will miss your postings. Take Care

Victoria B. 23 years, 11 months ago

I just talked to LaNora's Husband Larry again.. LaNora sat up in a chair today for about two hours and will walk in the morning.. He said she's had a little bit of a rough time with some back pain but medication took care of that and is much better now. The sugeon had just left her room and said all looked good.. Her husband has been quite a trooper with her.. I thanked him and told him to tell her we were all thinking of her and I would post on AMOS about her again..

snoppy1 23 years, 11 months ago

Hi LaNora, I've been gone a few days, glad to hear that you have made it through the surgery and are doing well. Hurry back, we miss you. Love, Kimmy

patrioticwife 23 years, 11 months ago

LaNora is doing really well, a little sleepy and tired but other than that she says she doing great I just got back from the hospital from seeing her and I meet her husband also very nice couple, they have already got her up to set up but her back was hurting her so she went back to bed....they should be removing the tube from her nose tomorrow she cant wait for that to happen...and I ask well I have to have that ...LOL...cause it sure does look like it feels to good...LOL....her color was good and over all she just looks pretty good....

Niki G. 23 years, 11 months ago

Congradulations LaNora!!! I've been praying for you. My husband got mad at me because I wouldn't leave the computer until I knew you were O.K. LOTS OF LOVE AND HUGS!!!! Keep us posted! We are all sooo proud of you!

Jill M. 23 years, 11 months ago

LaNora- God bless you made it safely to the other side! Hope you are healing and feeling well...Lots of hugs and love. Jill M.
About Me
Kingfisher, OK
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2000
Member Since
